Sunday, October 01, 2006


Did the latest Wallace and Gromit film, "Curse of the WerRabbit," steal portions of a character design from "Tales of Worm Paranoia?" Here (above) is the suspicious design in the W&G film.

Here (above) is Sally Worm from "Tales of Worm Paranoia." See any similarities? It's probably a coincidence but it makes me wince just the same.

Boy, look at those parallel lines between Sally's hand and arm. Come to think of it, look at the parallel lines on her body in the color picture. And her clasped fingers might have looked better if they'd wrapped around an imaginary ball. Aaaargh! Now that I'm looking at it closely I can see even more mistakes. All I can say is, "Oops!"


  1. Naw! Sally Worm radiates intelligence and sees her dentist regularly. She's also a natural beauty. No collagen lips for her!

  2. Parallel lines? big deal, "Tales of worm Paranoia" is still a masterpiece.

  3. What a coincidence, I just posted a similar themed post on my blog just now. Check it out here.

    You may have a case, Eddie. But, like John K. has said, this industry tends to resort to inbreeding every so often (too often for his tatses obviously). I'm sure that's just the case here.

  4. Anonymous5:16 PM

    I like Nick Park's animation

  5. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Inbreeding? Worms reproduce asexually - can't get more inbred than that.

    I say, sue Wallace and take his Grommets!

  6. Hmmmmm....Uncle Eddie, I'm not sure about this theory. I think that it's just a coincidence that they're in a similar pose. I don't think you have a case here.

    I still like ya, though! :)

  7. If so, karma has already taken place- didn't his studip burn to the ground shortly after the release of that movie?

  8. studip

    Kali, you misspelled "studio" but at first glance I thought you misspelled "stupid". I didn't quite understand your post until I made that connection.

  9. I apologize for my incorrect spelling! I'm so embarrassed! AHHHHHH!

  10. Hey, I've got spelling mistakes in my post too. Don't worry 'bout it.

  11. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Thanks Cartooncrank about the comment about worms (earthworms) reproducing asexually and the 'inbreeding' joke.

    In addition, worms (earthworms, tapeworms) are hermaphroditic. Earthworms do not self-fertilize. Tapeworms do self-fertilize.

    I bring this up because years ago I developed this character called 'Jaques Cestode, Famous Explorer of the Great Internal Depths,' and this topic was addressed.

  12. Anonymous10:25 PM

    With all due respect to your genius, it's a stretch to call it a swipe. Yup, they're both females alright. Yours has a string Clampett influence and is a worm.
    Aardman's has that familial Aardman resemblance.

  13. Did "Tale of Worm Paranoia" make it accross the Atlantic to England? Maybe if you could prove that Nick Park saw your cartoon you might have a case.

    Otherwise, I vote no -- that there are only slight resemblances to Sally Worm in the Wallace and Gromit feature.

  14. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Hmmmm, well if so your you indirectly worked on an Academy Award winning movie. They better deliver you a statue but quick.

  15. >> Did "Tale of Worm Paranoia" make it accross the Atlantic to England? Maybe if you could prove that Nick Park saw your cartoon you might have a case. <<

    Yes, it was shown numerous times on UK Cartoon Network during the late 90s, so there's a chance that Nick Park saw it at least once. Still I don't think it's an intentional swipe, despite some interesting similarities in design and pose.

  16. Oh Those Claybys Dont Hold A candle to Sally Worm.Nick Has his own little british style but as far as funny goes you stomp her in to a big goop of clay or mushy foam ..whatever.
    Similar pose but I'm afraid you can go way way back and find similar poses in alot of things.these poses get stuck in the far reaches of our brains and one day we draw them never realizing they have been back there all the time.Its still yours.
    (not refering to W&G but cartoons through out the ages)refer to johns "Influence of lots of Influences"
    and on a side note why does no one ever give poor Vaughn Bode any credit?If he hadn't had an untimley death our beloved Ralph Bakshi would never had made Wizards-Clearly Ralph was influenced by Vaughn(and the bode's are still bitter)

    And we all nit pick our stuff.
    so what

    new fun stuff on my blog dont be afraid to check em out and leave feedback!Wil Branca did and he's a busy new dad!

  17. If you thought of it as homage, would you be flattered instead of pissed?

  18. Anonymous2:53 PM

    I don't care,

    Do you really think Das Fitzer is peeved?

    It's a joke son, a joke I say.

  19. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Radial symmetry is hot.
