Wednesday, October 25, 2006


I love these two masks of womens' faces. They're both funny, vivd and full of energy. I especially like the bukram mask of the girl with black eyebrows. Bukram is a great medium. It allows for mass production but it retains the feel of a customized piece of folk art. There's a web site that has detailed instructions on how to make bukram masks. I may take a stab at it sometime. The monochrome mask with the big teeth is kind of ugly but I offer it here because a frontal view on an upshot face is an interesting juxtaposition. The cardboard witch and the Opper-style cartoon characters are nifty examples of good design that's made to sell for pennies. The witch looks like it was influenced by Nabi theories.


  1. Hey Uncle Eddie, glad you liked the Beistle link, but I've found an even better site:
    They have many old Beistle reproductions, and some even better stuff!

  2. That one with the giant teeth is great! He's sneezing, or something.....

  3. Allamort: Wow! Thanks for the tip! Even the links look great. I can't wait to try them!

    Kali: Glad you liked it! Something about it puts me off, though. With a little tweaking it might make a good Tiki mask.

    I saw the pictures Katie did of you. She nailed you!

  4. She totally did! I'm gonna post 'em tomorrow along with marlo's- so everyone can enjoy my face- har har har!

  5. I love old halloween fluff! My father was born in 1921 and his generation called these masks ( false faces or Freight wigs). He would ask me if I chose a good False Face for halloween and I didnt know what the hell he was talking about!

  6. These masks are wild. The one in the middle reminds me of Lady Elaine Fairchilde from Mister Rogers. The one with all the hair is actually funny.

  7. The Melvins had a series of 7"s with this type of mask (from the singer's own collection):
    Scroll down to releases 21 through 27 and click on each to see them. The Hostile Ambient Takeover record actually has even more, but I can't find a good online source.

  8. these are really sweet eddie. I'm actually commenting to make sure you saw Stephen DeStefano's tribute to you in one of his Plastic Man sketches..

    check it ->here<-

  9. Phil: Wow! Thanks for pointing that out! Steve can really draw, no doubt about it! When I'm able I'll write to him on his site.

    Ted: I've gotta run but I'll definitely look up the site you mentioned!
