Monday, May 28, 2007


Gee, that was a pretty steamy post last time! Well, that's the nature of theories. They can get pretty intense sometimes! Maybe we need a change of pace. Whaddaya think of the video above? It's Peter Sellers doing Richard III doing "Hard Days Night."

How about a half minute commercial (above) of a vegetable Jonathan Winters being scraped off a plate?

How about a prune commercial by Stan Freberg? Freberg is an amazingly effective salesman. His commercials always leave you chomping at the bit to buy the product.

Last but not least, Here's (above) a talk show host who's unable to stp laughing at the affliction of his guest.


  1. Anonymous1:39 AM

    You know, maybe Walt Disney knew what he was doing, with his voice for Mickey.

  2. Jonathan Winters is a true comic genius. What an imagination! It's a such a great loss that he did not record more standup work. (If the Wikipedia discography is complete, he went for thirty years without releasing a new record!)

  3. Great post!

    I once worked with a guy who knew Johnathan Winters personally. They were from the same neighborhood, and his brother worked for Mr. Winters. He would tell some interesting stories. In a nutshell, he said that Mr. Winters was really quick and "wet-your-pants funny" (his words) with improvisation. However, he (Winters) suffered from depression, and sometimes his bouts would affect his personality.

    Stan Freberg is still around, I think - he used to host a syndicated radio show that played old radio programs.

    Peter Sellers was another genius. A bit mad, but a genius.

    Regarding your previous post - I don't think that your blog is turning into a "porn site", and I do think that your nude posts are for art education. I really appreciate the warning in front of the post because I usually look at your blog at work during breaks, and in today's climate, a lot of places are really sensitive about what we're viewing.

  4. Jennifer: Thanks! I was thinking of a letter you wrote when I put the warning on.

  5. The last one's fake. I know Jay Leno showed it as real, but it's fake. It's from a Belgian comedy show called "In De Gloria".

  6. Oh rats! As with the now-classic "Bride Has Massive Hair Wigout,"

    I liked the laughing talk-show host more before I knew he was a hoax. Thinking the incident was was real added a dimension of horror, which spiced up the laughter, like pepper in a stew.

  7. That Peter Sellers thing made me laugh out loud! BUT HOLY CRAP! It's a sin to stop the piece while Paul is singing, WHAT THE HELL? What sick person edited this????

  8. Benjamin, Lester: The announcer laughing was a fake!!!!????? But it looks so real! Aaaargh! I've been had!

    Lester's hair video was a fake too!? I've been doubly had!

    Jennifer: Yeah, I'm more careful now.

  9. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Peter Sellers kicks all sorts of ass!

  10. HERE's a link related to that prune commercial.

  11. Craig: So that guy has fans!

  12. Prune Groupies, eddie. Prune Groupies.


    That's the original Richard the III scene that Peter Sellers was parodying.

  14. Nate: I love that movie!

  15. Unfortunately the Flemish talk show clip is actually a scripted skit from a comedy troupe called IN DE GLORIA. I was crushed to learn it wasn't legit (its at least two years old) but it sure is funny. These other clips are great too, I haven't seen that prune one in ages.
