Thursday, January 31, 2008


I'm still wrestling with my new mac, trying to figure out how to get it to do what my old PC used to do. Boy, changing operating systems is traumatic! It's like going to live in a new country where you don't speak the language!  Every night I wrestle with some new mac problem, and I get so tense that it takes me a couple of hours to get to sleep.  Tonight I think I'll put all that aside and have some fun. Here's some pictures borrowed from other blogs that made me laugh out loud. Maybe they'll do the same for you!

Here's (above) a fine figure of a woman:  Bluto in drag from Bob Jacques' Popeye blog. What a pose! Why can't we buy cel set-ups like this? Click to enlarge.

In the best Popeyes the close-ups are always a special treat.  I'm awed by the unashamed cartooniness of this picture and the way it depicts Bluto's head as a tiny, ugly pimple  sitting atop a massive body. 

Bluto (above) makes his moves! It's profoundly disturbing and funny at the same time! Bob Jacques loves this stuff.  He even taught himself how to dance to the Popeye theme!  

How about some girlage, courtesy of Nico's blog.  Nico put himself to the task of enumerating the great cartoon women. He made some obvious choices like Red from the Tex Avery cartoons, but he also came up with some insightful, left-field picks like Olive Oyl (above). 

Nico says Beaky Buzzard's mom (above) was one of the greats, and maybe he's right! The Hungarian voice was inspired!

Of course Betty Boop's on the list!  How did Grimm ever think of giving her a head like a fly?

Nico also picked Jones' Ma Bear. Excellent choice! I wonder who did the voice? You don't think it was Stan Freberg, do you?

Man, she could turn on the charm (above)!

Here's (above and below) a couple of hillbilly pictures from Katie Rice's blog, "Funny Cute." This show needs to be on TV!

I'm getting all sorts of error messages so I can't provide links to these worthy sites, but most of you probably have them already.



  1. Ma Bear was voiced by the late great Bea Benaderet, who also did Betty Rubble, and played Cousin Pearl Bodine on the first season of the Beverly Hillbillies, and later portrayed Kate on Petticoat Junction.

    OH those Bluto in drag pictures are SO disturbing - BRRRR! - he looks like he's enjoying it too much!

    When were little kids, my brother and me would act out the Warner Brothers cartoons we'd just seen on TV - WE LOVED "KEELAH'S" MOM!!! She reminded us of a lot of the other ethnic Moms in neighborhood (Brooklyn). Italians, Russians, Irish, Jewish, Romanians, Hungarians - very pushy, emotional over the top. To my young ears (maybe this is the imagination working overtime)half the grownups I knew then sounded like they were Count Dracula! Even today, me and my fair lady will both lapse into an Eastern European lilt with the high dramatics for long stretches before one of us breaks into hysterics.

  2. Been wrestling with trying to get and older iMac with OSX to do what I want it to do.


    I feel for ya, brother!

  3. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Eddie, what kind of intricate operations are you finding do much more difficult and/or different on your new computer? Posting?
    Writing email? Surfing the web?
    Playing the chess program?

    Because I didn't see you as a person trying to use your computer for more than that-do you? Not attempting to bait you, brother, just befuddles at what the huge issues are. You're a pretty smart cookie, you know! Methinks you protest too much. Much if not-ask for help-here. I'm sure any little question you'd have would get a lot of helpful answers along with a little apple bashing. We can take it if you can.
    PS: nice images!

  4. About fBetty Boop: "How did Grimm ever think of giving her a head like a fly?"

    What the ... ? Okay, I get that Grimm is Grim Natwick, but I can't seem to decode the comment about BB having a head like a fly. Like a fly's head? Or like an entire fly? Neither one makes sense to me. Help!

  5. Anonymous10:34 AM

    The late Bea Benederet voiced Ma Bear. Most people probably remember her as Kate, the mother, on "Petticoat Junction" in the mid 1960's, but she did a few distinct cartoon voices in the 1940's at Warner's before that. She was also the original voice of Granny, before June Foray took it over in the early 1950's.

  6. Fear Not The JabberMac, My Son.

    Eddie, I promise you that as soon as it becomes second nature to you, you'll end up loving your Mac and wonder why you'd ever put up with the PC in the first place. I have a Mac at home, but at work we use PC, and I'm constantly at odds with it, realizing that to do what I need on the PC requires at least two extra steps, and extra unneccessary indulgences.

    When I worked at Sam Ash Music Stores, the best advice I could give to musicians that used computers and who asked which of the two were better, was this:

    PC's have a lot of problems, but they're easy and inexpensive ( usually ) to fix. Macs have hardly any problems at all, but when they do, it's a real bitch.

    And as an artist, it caters more to your sensibilities. You could paint with a paintbrush or an Etch-A-Sketch... a Mac or a PC.

    Also, you don't get viruses with Macs. Like, at all.

    So get some sleep, and if you need help, email me.

    Hope that helps!

    - trevor.

    PS: Can you please post some drawings from 'Tales of Worm Paranoia'? It's one of my favorite modern cartoon shorts of all time ( in my mind, up there with 'Big House Blues' and 'Special the Pussycat' ).

  7. Beaky Buzzard's mom sounds Italian to me, not Hungarian. (Voiced by Sara Berner.)

  8. Those Blutos are amazing!!! I saw someone at Lido's once that had a similar shape- a giant, mountain-like body with a teeny little face growing out of the top. And I'm glad you liked my mountain folk drawings! :D

  9. Bob can dance to the Popeye theme? He's so hardcore it doesn't surprise me. His Popeye laugh and Bluto voice are dead on too.

  10. The Bluto pics are fantastic!! You have no idea how much I love old Popeye, Eddie. :)

    thanks for liking my site!

  11. i also agree that katie should have a hillbilly show

  12. Been using a Mac for over 3 years, and I am just discovering all sorts of goodness while reading the book by David Pogue OSX Leopard Missing Manual. Don't let the size scare you; it is an easy read.

    I really need to get my bookmarks back in order. It has been too long since I have read your wonderful postings.
