Friday, February 22, 2008


MIX FLEISCHMAN:  "Hmmmm.  I can't think of anything to draw."

MIX FLEISCHMAN:  "Wait a minute! Why didn't I think of it before!? I'll let my friend KaKa the Clown out of the ink bottle! He's always good for a laugh!"

MIX FLEISCHMAN: "Let's see......"


MIX FLEISCHMAN:  "Oops! Sorry, KaKa! Tell you what: I feel so bad about dropping you, that I'll let you stay out this time! I mean stay out for good! You're a free man!"

MIX FLEISCHMAN: "So what are you going to with your freedom?"

KAKA:  "You mean me, Mr. Fleischman?"

MIX FLEISCHMAN:  "Yeah, KaKa, what are your plans?"

KAKA: "Well, Gosh Mr. Fleischman, I hope you won't laugh at me.  You see, I've always wanted to get an make something out of myself."

KAKA (CONT):  "First I'd like to get a liberal arts degree with a major in Theater. Then I'd like to see if one of the big New york acting schools will accept me."

MIX FLEISCHMAN: "Wow, that's very commendable, KaKa!  It sounds like a lot of work, though. Do you think you can handle it?"

KAKA:  "Gee Whiz, Mr. Fleischman...I hope so.  Of course I have to support my mother while I work my way through school, and then there's my church activities, but I figure that if I'm thrifty and work hard then everything will work out alright. "

MIX FLEISCHMAN: "Boy, it sounds like you won't have much time for socializing."

KAKA:  "Socializing!? Gee, Mr. Fleischman, I won't have time to make friends.  'Gotta crack those textbooks every night!"

MIX FLEISCHMAN:  "I can help you there, KaKa. What you need is a ready-made friend."

MIX FLEISCHMAN:  "KaKa, meet my pal, Betty Bloop!"

KAKA:  "Betty BlooP?...Um, Er....Hi, I guess. Whatever."

KAKA: (Gasp!)

KAKA:  "Wha...wha...what is that...that thing with long hair and BUMPS on its chest?"

MIX FLEISCHMAN:  "Oh, I forgot to tell you. That's a girl. Half the world is girls. "

MIX FLEISCHMAN (V.O.):  "Come to think of it, a serious student like you won't have time for girls.  There's plenty of time for......"

MIX FLEISCHMAN:  "KaKa, you're not listening!  What about school?"

KAKA: "School? What school?"


  1. OH MY GOD- YOU'RE MY HERO, MY ONE AND ONLY! That made me laugh so hard!!! I was on the brink of depression, but Kaka reminded me what life is all about which is: being hot and having guys eyes enlarge and fall out of their sockets!!! Oh God, what a relief!

    Seriously, this is probably your best post yet, and dare I say it..... the best post ON THE NET!

  2. Aww man! A CLIFFHANGER? Cripes! I was on the edge of my seat!

    Hey Eddie, did you actually draw that industrious little guy with the pen you photographed with?

    Man, that was really funny. I hate resorting to this, but since I actually did, what the hell: LOL!

    Do more of these awesome serials and I'll do more commentaries. Deal?

    - trevor.

  3. Anonymous12:31 AM

    ...These are so great!

    Now how soon till you master I-Movie?

  4. Wow great drawings! I really like the hands and the poses.

    It's really funny. Hope you will make more of this kind of posts.

  5. Eddie, you are the Ub Iwerks of blogs. Every post, you create a brand new invention of entertainment.

  6. Hilarious! I loved this story - the Mix expressions, the drawings! A Fleischer homage to the utmost degree. I like how KaKa's eyes bug out so much that they're hiding his head. I vote for this to be animated into a real mini-short!

  7. WOW EDDIE!! This might be my favorite post of yours yet!! Amazing drawings, funny photos, good gags...Eddie, you are my hero!

  8. Truly a masterpiece!

    So when does the hardcover compilation of Uncle Eddie's Photo Essays come out?

  9. Everybody: Many, many thanks for the kind words! Boy, you guys must stay up late! I'm reading this at 3 am!

  10. Eddie, I didn't know you can draw?! You should get a job in cartoons or sumptin'. Seriously - WOW!!! Absolute hysterical post!!! It's so long between posts of your cartoons, that I often wonder why I visit your site everyday? Haw-haw!

  11. Animate this, pronto!! It's too hilarious not to.

  12. WOW!!!! Fantastic, Eddie!

    You did with still images that most animators WISH they could capture with motion. And wonderfully hilarious to boot! What a pro.


  13. I AM up late.... and on the east coast at that.

    - trevor.

  14. Excellent post. Very funny stuff.

  15. Yes, people doesn't have their sleeping-time organized anymore. It's Internet's fault.

    I have to say: GREAT-GREAT-GREAT post.

  16. HAHA, this is the best one so far XD I love it loveitloveitloveit

  17. Amazing! Absolutely amazing!

  18. Wow! Uncle Eddie that's hilarious. Another man's good plans ruined by meeting girls!

  19. Anonymous10:17 AM

    With this post you've broken on through to the other side, Uncle Eddie! Others have tried to do fake animation pioneer characters but all have fallen on their faces. You alone brought it off and in the most rudimentary manner available! You are absolutely ON TO SOMETHING with this thread. You are going where no one has successfully gone before. Godspeed, young man!

  20. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Very true about college and great post

  21. Anonymous11:16 AM

    I seriously can't stop laughing! This is awesome! This should be on the top of Digg! This is probably your best post yet! That was seriously the funniest thing I've seen in a long long time!

    How does he DO IT?

  22. I think you should grow a little bristle brush mustache.

    I like when Ka Ka hits the canvas.

    And I must thank you for the gratuitous gander at Betty's underpants. She's a stunner.

  23. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Good to see you post more of your comics. Keep it up.

  24. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Great work, Uncle "Mix Fleischman!" This is your best story yet.

  25. That, was, incredible.

  26. Mix Fleischman is the new KING OF THE INTERNET!

    Can't wait to see what spills out of the ink bottle next...

  27. Nice drawings, and a first rate parody! It's looks like a Fleischer cartoon that Tex Avery directed. (And with the toothbrush mustache you do kind of look like Max.)


  29. I started out the post marvelling at your inking techniques.

    Then as i began smiling more and more, the last two pictures made me almost fall out of my chair laughing.

    Bravo sir! :)

  30. BRILLIANT! i loved this post!

  31. Here I am watching the Popeye The Sailor DVD set with all the Koko and Out Of The Inkwell extras and here is Eddy making his own, and very hilarious stuff. I really lost it when I saw the over-sized salivating tongue - wonderful post. It's like learning how to do a storyboard ...DING!DING!DING!DING!DING!

  32. This is what the internets were made for! Hilariousnesses mixed with ridiculousnesses. i can't decide which is funnier...your drawings or your expressions. Please more of these! Awesome, pure and simple.

  33. Anonymous10:37 PM

    If you never did anything else, you could coast on this defining post for the rest of your life. You could even dress like Mark Twain and make inferior versions of your earlier cartoons.

  34. Anonymous10:51 PM

    You've surpassed your youthful promise! This is sheer genius, Eddie.

    Tom Minton

  35. Well I'm fashionably late as always but, yeah, this post is hilarious. You, sir, need your own show.

  36. This was hilarious!
    Thanks for sharing.

  37. "School, what school?" Story of my life. I mean my other life. The imaginary one.

    Thanks for starting my day off right, Eddie!

  38. you sure put a lot of love inking that ink bottle!
    awesome post eddie, funny as hell!
    keep posting more of these cartoons

  39. Uncle Eddie, you rock the @#%$% house!

    Probably the funniest and most clever of all of your posts yet.

    Waiting with bated breath for part II......

  40. I haven't had so much fun in awhile! What a great idea, Loved it! Would really enjoy seeing more.

  41. HAR HAR HAR ! Ka Ka is a horny little devil ! And I agree with IDRC Eddie, you'd look great with a nifty little 'satche.

  42. The name MIX FLEISCHMAN sounds a lot like Max Fleischer. I love your work on Ren & Stimpy and Tiny Toons. And you have a trademark laugh.

  43. Haha!! More of these, PLEASE! It's a perfect synthesis of your drawings and photo-stories!

  44. Thanks so much for posting this Eddie!! Completely hilarious!!

  45. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA--OW! (kidney stone)--HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!

  46. Anonymous3:31 PM

    I love the ending!! Those final pics of you and KaKa are hilarious!!! Awesome Story!!!

  47. Everybody: Thanks very much for the kind comments! Boy, I look like such a kindly old man. It's not the way i think of myself, though. I see myself as the young Sean Connery in the James Bond movies.

    Philly: Your comments on Neitzche were extremely interesting. I'd heard that Kauffman watered down a number of German writers in translation, including Werner Jaeger. Somebody else is alleged to have watered down Ortega Y Gasset in post-war translation. I wish I knew the truth.

    Until I know more I'll assume that you're right and that Kauffman actually translated the true Neitzsche. I'm not completely convinced but I believe that you have to change, at least provisionally, when new evidence comes in. Thanks a million for the information!!!

  48. Hey, Uncle Eddie, guess who's birthday it is today!!

  49. Mr.F, you're another animation hero I can ask about this - how important is the page flip to you in animation? It's something that software can't replicate so I'm curious as to what effect that's going to have.

  50. Hey, you damn kids:

    There are only 50-odd comments here. You're not done kissing Eddie's ass yet. Stay on topic!


    This is the best post ever! The gals have it right. "Hero" is the mot juste.

  51. Kali: Thanks a million for what's probably the best over-the-top compliment a post has ever gotten.

  52. OMG, this is the funniest thing I've seen for a long time!!
    Uncle Eddie, I usually considered your posts with naked girls discussing philosophy as the best posts ever, but this one surpasses them by a great margin! It's the best post in the blogosphere, honestly! :)

  53. Anonymous4:42 AM

    You're crazy !

  54. Eddie you're a genius!

  55. Funny, I tell yew funny! Great post, by the way. KaKa seems more like something Kurtzman-like than Fleischer. Real funny , Eddie. Love This blog
