Thursday, March 06, 2008


I just did another video, one that tells a story, but YouTube wouldn't take the upload tonight. I figured I'd better do two in a row so I don't forget how I did it the first time. Anyway, visiting YouTube so often made me aware just how many Uncle Eddie's there are. There are cartloads of us! Here's a few examples from the spots right next to mine....

The first is Uncle Eddie, the rich real-estate dealer from Ghana (above). This guy is rolling in dough! If I ever get hard up for cash maybe I'll visit him for a hand-out. After all, we're related!

Here's (above) the hundred year old Uncle Eddie who still manages to beat up muggers. Lots of Uncle Eddies are old, which gives me the creepy feeling that nobody's being named "Eddie" anymore. That's a pity. The lineage is so noble! I don't know of any kings named Eddie ("Edward" doesn't count) but lots of athletes were.

Here's (above) somebody's "drunken Uncle Earl." I thought the title said Eddie, which is why I imported it. I'll still put it up because Uncle Earl had the spot immediately above me when I started out. Believe it or not drunken uncle videos are a whole genre on YouTube. There's a million of them!

Here's the most modest of the Uncle Eddies. He sings behind a coffin lid and never emerges.


  1. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Ed McMahon is said to rile easily whenever anyone dares call him "Eddie", and he's older than salt.

  2. Yeah, I was saying to myself, "Self," I said, "there sure are a lot of faux Uncle Eddies out here" when I hit YouTube in search of the Fitz.

    But none of those other assholes care to question the meaning of life... which I believe to be this: plastics.

    - trevor.

    Thanks: George Carlin

  3. Would the real Uncle Eddie please stand up?

    - trevor.

  4. Did you check out some of the other links in the coffin-Eddie one? It looks like "musical performances at funerals" is a whole youtube sub-genre. Wow. Fluty-voiced little girls, standing in front of dead bodies, with weeping and snuffling in the sound track.... That is seriously weird. Eddie, you have added to my knowledge, as usual.

  5. AHAHAA i just saw your second video, Eddie! Post it, post it!!! It's amazing

  6. Dear Mr. Fitzgerald:

    Greetings! Permit me to introduce myself. I am Dr. Hudatse Hudat, Deputy Vice Minister of Finance for the Republic of Ghana.

    It is my sad duty to inform you that Uncle Eddie of Acra has passed away, leaving substantial real estate holdings & a Regional Distributorship for Star Beer. After lengthy research my staff has determined that you are the last surviving Uncle Eddie & therefore, heir to an estate of some $7.5 million (at current exchange rates).

    It remains only to transfer the funds to your United States bank account. Please send your account number & $500 to cover legal & foreign transfer fees to the following address:

    P.O. Box 78965
    Lagos, Nigeria

    I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Affably yours,

