Saturday, May 03, 2008


Steve Worth sent me links to a site that put up horrific playground sculptures from around the world. Holy Mackerel! These are really scary!

There's lots more that I can fit in here, so if you want to see it all go to:

These giant hornets (above) are positively evil. the bleak, un-inspired layout of the grounds heightens the effect.

The tree strangles a guy who'd stopped to rest. That'll teach him!

Yikes! A little bunny in the hands of an evil nurse!

Some of the nightmare sculptures impressed me as imaginative and stimulating, and possibly even good for kids. I wouldn't mind seeing sculptures like this one (above) in a park. It could have used more detail, though. It looks half-finished.

Or this one (above). Who wouldn't want have their pictures taken with the skeletons?

This one (above) is really thought-provoking. Your mind races ahead, thinking of stories to explain why the devil would be apprehensive about something in a green box.

Why is this idealistic girl tied to a tree? Boy, this park certainly prompts you to think. The problem is that I have a feeling that the park itself is unimaginatively landscaped. The physical layout of a park should be its greatest attraction. You need to get that right before putting in sculptures. Not only that but the sculptures need to be skillfully done, which this isn't. Even so, it's interesting.

Why is this guy sitting on the ground? Are his legs in stocks? Is he on a throne of some kind? Is he sitting on the shoulders of some underground troll? You can't help but weave stories about visuals like this.


  1. Anonymous7:50 PM

    There's a bizarre public sculpture park in Oslo, Norway, featuring the work of Gustav Vigeland. It's pretty strange to see families out pushing their baby strollers past something like this:

  2. What a fantastic post! I LOVE these photos. I don't think kids should be protected ALL THE TIME from anything that isn't bright and shiny and happy. Those hornets might not be what most parents today have in mind when it comes to a park to take their kids to, but I think a little bit of the strange and absurd is good for kids.

    Thanks for sharing Eddie!

    I just made another short theory post on my blog, if you're interested- what role dramatic human suffering plays in cartoons!

  3. Brad: The sulpture is interesting and well executed, but it's not my taste. I like kids and seeing this prompts the same reaction someone else might feel if they saw a sculpture of a man kicking a dog.

    Nico: Boy, you have a beautiful site! That navy blue sets off the pictures perfectly. You have a feeling for color and composition. Have you thought about being a background painter?

    Also there's some nice photos there. The downshot on Kali is the best of her that I've seen!

  4. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Spooky? Yes. But I'd play in 'em.

  5. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Those are cool! The skeletons there to play cards with you are really neat! Sculptures have long vanished from lawsuit frightened Southern California playgrounds..ever noticed? It's all just those thick, giant plastic slides and swiss cheese looking things to climb around please all the paranoid soccer moms.

    The bees are a bit dismal, but then, so are today's playgrounds for the most part..sadly lacking in imagination because apparently we've discovered that imagination is too risky...everything has to be soft, rounded, over simplified. No humans or animal shapes might get your hand cut by a bee or skeleton.


  6. Hello

    Cool post! I enjoyed your previous one too. You should do more talking.

    Have you read The Unbearable Lightness of being? I'd like to hear what you think of it.

    Your number 1 fan.


    P.S - Have you looked into using Vimeo instead of Youtube, the qaulity in general is much higher... Plus it isn't owned by google (as far as I'm aware).

  7. I'd like to see more of this type of ride in playgrounds.

  8. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I think the bear sculptures are beatiful in an eerie sort of way.

    The world needs more weird sculptures, preferably 200 feet tall and in the middle of nowhere

  9. I just visited Barcelona, which has two of the most beautiful parks I've ever visited, Park Guell and Parc De La Ciutadella which had this life-size mammoth sculpted out of stone!

  10. Now THAT'S intriguing! A woman kids can climb into and come out her privates!

    Pete - One of the Toys R Us's in Western New York had that Donald Duck ride! Most of us were too afraid of it...
