Tuesday, November 19, 2013


These are all pictures from a recent book of old New York Post photos called "New York Noir."

The Post's staff artists frequently drew recreations of crimes using the real backgrounds.  Here a man temporarily blinds his victim by throwing pepper at her.

Here (above) a woman has been shot by an unknown sniper.

This man (above) has been recaptured after a jailbreak.

This guy's wife caught him cheating so she gathered up the kids and threatened to leave him. That never came to pass because he shot her. One impulsive act changed his life forever.

Above, a policeman looks on as two tough kids (above) take a cigarette break. Two soon to be wasted lives.

In this picture a whole family has been wiped out. But why? No one knows.

Above, two cop killers after interrogation.

I'm supposing this man was a well-known criminal of the time. Here (above) a Physiognomist offers her opinion about why the man went wrong.

This dapper gent (above) is, believe it or not, the District Attorney. He dresses the way crooks in the movies dress.

Wow! New York used to look like one big noir movie set. I wish it still did.


  1. Gruesome! More Daily News Archive photos here.

  2. Beautiful, in a gritty sort of way. I hate how everything has to be so sanitized of its humanity now. I think we should embrace it.

  3. that ciggie smoking tough kid looks like the Randy puppet from PeeWee's Playhouse!

  4. *Poit*! Whatever made me think that life was better in the 'good ole days'. Guess not. Sad photos, for sure!
