Sunday, May 11, 2014


Well, if you're a fashionable guy then you're probably already eyeing nerd pants like these (above). They're the latest thing. They show lots of ankle and a have high waists that wrap around the bottom of the ribcage.

Hey, it beats the old fashion look that it's replacing. I was never a fan of baggy shorts (above).

Let me digress to remark that you never see stovepipe shorts (above) on the street anymore. Stovepipes were always worn with black socks and a nose ring. 

Of course the recent guy fashion that you see on the street every day is the skin-tight neo-emo jeans. The picture above is the girl equivalent of that. It's all over the place now but the high waist-nerd look will probably replace it in a few years. Tight jeans are just too hard to put on. 

The big news in women's fashion is the replacement of high heels with ultra high heels (above). 

The newest shoes are thick and high, and are usually black. I saw women wearing shoes similar to these (above) at the mall today. 


  1. Good topic! I can't stand any of those modern designs though. I found this web site about men's fashion in the past that I think is great. Here is a link to one of the topic threads that contains lots of nice photos:

    The Fedora Lounge

  2. Wow. Fashion trends really really change quickly. I don't think I can even keep up.

  3. And if you don't mind me asking, I've been doing a lot more narrative work with my cartoons and telling stories with them rather than just drawing random sketchbook doodles in space.

    Is that the right direction in becoming a lot more functional as a cartoonist and possibly a storyboard artist? I'm working on a particular story right now and so far and I've done around 10 or so different drawings already specifically designed to fit the needs of the story and will probably do a lot more too.

  4. Don: Wow! A nice site! Many thanks for the link!

    Roberto: Try cartoon acting. Act things out in front of a mirror then caricature what you see.

    Maybe start with your own stick figure version of the action without any mirror reference. Then do the mirror version in stick figures, then do a caricature of the mirror drawings.

    This method won't be right for everybody, but I get a lot out of it.
