Monday, November 23, 2015


I found an old envelope of scraps in the garage and here's a few samples. The picture above is my kid when he was a baby, drawn by John K.

Haw! Another John baby picture of my kid. This was for his first birthday. 

I think this (above) is a John drawing too, but it's not done in one of his usual styles. Haw! I remember telling him that the colorful, plastic watches little girls were wearing looked better than the ones worn by most grown men, and this drawing was the result.

Here's (above, right) a really early caricature of me by my daughter. She hadn't discovered her own style yet but I see glimpses of it in the eyes, teeth, ear hair and beard stubble. I love the transparent pants. 

I think this (above) is me again. She often drew me with a cigarette, even though I didn't smoke. Haw! Little kids are fascinated by adult smoking.

These are fragments of doodles I did with a hard, HB pencil applied with a light touch. I held the pencil high, the way Chuck Jones said to do it, and it worked. I wish I'd done more HB sketches. I usually work with a 4B.


  1. great doodles, especially the John K ones! from what i've read on this blog you do live caricatures from time to time but i haven't seen you post many caricatures drawn by yourself, i'd love to see some

  2. Bob: I drew plenty of pictures of myself in the first two or three years of the blog. I don't know why I stopped. I also don't know why I don't caricature other people so frequentlly. Maybe storyboarding programmed me to think of people cinematically in situations involving continuity rather than still drawings. 'Just guessing.
