Monday, May 29, 2006

Some Fun Modern Art

These are two pictures by Gary Panter, a modern painter who showed lots of promise early on but who seems to have lost interest in color and, so far as I know, is now doing black & white, punk-style comic books. Ok, it's not fine art but it's fun art. I'd love to have a big canvas of "Elvis Zombie" hanging in my living room.
Here's two by Phillip Burke who used to paint rock stars for Rolling Stone. He insisted that the subjects pose live, in his studo. He'd set them up near a sunny window and paint from natural light using oils . The original portrait of Mailer (above) was six feet high. Agove, another one by Burke. He seems to have been influenced by Matisse portraits. Once again, it's not fine art but it's kinda fun to look at.
For comparison here's a couple of Rubens sketches which are indisputably fine art. I love these drawings but seeing them doesn't make me want to give up on Elvis Zombie.
What do you think?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I'm really liking that Norman Mailer picture.

  3. Wow, very nice. Each of these pictures invoke a different emotion.

    The Mailer portrait is amazing. I like the colors used, and the sketch is well done. I like the colors used in the Green Day picture. I agree - the Green Day picture is very Matisse, from the sketch style to the colors. The Reubens sketches are nice, too.

    I agree with Brian regarding the definition of "fine art", as well as the snobbery within the art world.

    To me, art is art. It doesn't matter what is it: a still life oil from one of the Masters, an impressionist painting from Monet, a silkscreen of soup cans from Warhol, a bunch of paint splatters on canvas from Pollock, cartoon cels and sketches.

  4. Fine art? know I took art history in college and all that jazz, but I still don't know what that really is? When you say "fine art" do you mean "refined" art, or perhaps just "respected" art? I Think what your referring to is a skillful but also very creatively limited art form. I agree I'd rather see an abstract, impressionistic, or surreal painting any day of the week over a "refined" painting or drawing...But that's just me!

  5. Wow, I never thought you'd like Gary Panter, you seem to be a pretty open minded guy, Ed. I haven't decided if I like him yet. Well, I like some of his stuff. I bet John K would think he sucks, haha!

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. That top one looks like The Incredible Hulk with a bad fever.

  8. I didn't mean to say that Panter is better than Rubens. Panter is for fun, Rubens is to change your life.


  9. WOw, i love this Burke guy!
    I love surrealism because it's BS that's still believable and organic; it makes daydreaming an easier job. whereas modern art is so flat that i lose touch. does that make sense?

    Rubens, da Vinci, Angelo etc and these folk will always be the Dons of character drawing to me though. I can learn from these ppl AND be inspired whereas modern art only seems to inspire me. It's like trying to learn good guitar by listening to LInkin Park, forget it, you need Eagles or Hendrix or something.

  10. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Panter's a friend of mine, and he still paints in color. He goes back and forth. In fact, he has a new show of paintings in NY coming to LA.

  11. Eddie! You've invoked a "what is art?" demon! Kill it before it grows more powerful!

    your pal


  12. Hey, that's funny - someone was just mentioning the name Gary Panter to me the other day. I don't know much about is work, but anyone who was involved in Pee Wee's Playhouse is ok in my book!

  13. SELF EDIT: ...about HIS work...

  14. The painting of Mailer by Burke is amazing. i love the use of color and canvas space! and rubens...excuse me while shoot myself...

    anyways... It was awesome meeting you last night at the show! Thanks for signing my ren and stimpy and all the laughs! vincent may be able to get all the gals to flock but NO ONE can make a room laugh like you can......just by laughing yourself! i was hoping you would have been at the after party. you were missed, but maybe next time eh?!?


  15. Charlie J: You know Panter!? Please tell him that Elvis Zombie has many, many fans. I also loved the art direction on Pee Wee. I can't wait to see his book!

    Aaron: Great seeing you at the gallery! The films were amazing and the pictures John did for fans were awesome. That was a great night!

  16. Steve: I can't believe the link on your comment led to a whole film about Little Pal! I like the upscale background of draped blue silk. It gives a touch of class to the comments page.

  17. Funny girls are good. Pretty girls are good. But girls who are both funny and pretty are what life is all about. I've known a handful of them.

  18. Anonymous7:00 PM


  19. What makes art "fine" art? I certainly think that some illustration is as meaningful as lots of stuff in galleries. What is your opinion? :-)
