Wednesday, July 05, 2006


A few days ago John K took this picture of me, Jack Black and Kyle Gass (Jack & Kyle =Tenacious D.). It's a terrific picture and I'm really glad to have it but I'll never be able to look at it without wincing. I was supposed to reciprocate by taking John's picture with Jack and Kyle and I goofed it. We didn't find out till it was too late to take another one. Sorrrryyyyyyy!

Jack turned out to be a real nice guy and his vocal range is amazing. He has a trained voice. He can speak in what comes off as a natural, conversational manner, and still be heard clearly in the back of the balcony. Every actor should be able to do that.

Here's a caricature John did of of me (above) covered with warts, with dog legs, sitting in a puddle of my own urine. I wonder what Sister Wendy would think of it?

Here's another picture of me (above), also by John. This was the head I used when I put together the yellow composite of John's Eddie pictures that I posted a few weeks ago.


  1. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Hey, put more of your Worm drawings up, I love those. By the way, who did the voice of Johnny? I didn't mind the voice, but I didn't think it worked very well during the Apologizing scene, which sounded like he was overacting. I loved the voice of Sally though.

  2. Anonymous1:23 AM

    I'm sure you don't actually sit in your own urine!

    You fit in with them kids- you should join 'em and play the rubber band on your hand!

  3. steve! causing uncle to feel even more guilt! now now.

    thanks for the comment eddie, you made my day. i was feeling crapy about all my drawings that i ever made.


  4. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Hey Eddie,

    Did you get to Jacks baby Sam yet?


  5. I love Tenacious D. Jack Black is a living cartoon character!

  6. Jack Black can belt out his voice real loud because he has a strong diaphragm. By that I mean the muscle underlining the bottom of his rib cage, not the prophylactic device. :P

    I read that Mel Blanc's vocal chords were iron solid. If he voiced Yosemite Sam and Foghorn Leghorn, hemust have had an amazing diaphragm as well.

  7. Hi Uncle Eddie,

    I think that once Sister Wendy laid her eyes on that sketch, she'd probably give up her vows and look for you in California! :D Actually, I really enjoyed her program - she really had an interesting perspective on art.

    -- J

  8. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Uncle Eddie! You goofed the picture!

    Are you and John working with Tenacious D on something?

    And I just read that a George Liquor show might get sponsored, Will you be working on those?

  9. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Sister Wendy would dig that drawing because nuns are so into urine.

  10. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Mel Blanc said his sole throat X-ray revealed a cast iron throat muscularity allegedly only known to have previously occured in Enrico Caruso! This may have been mere self-promotion, but Mel swore that his doctor told him that. How his doctor examined the long-dead Caruso's interior throat sinew remains a mystery, but, considering Mel Blanc's incredible range and vocal feats over the ages, it just might be true. Mel was one of a kind. Not even Noel Blanc genetically got all of his dad's amazing gifts.

  11. Cool, did you guys do another video for them? I forgot Spumco did a Tenacious D video. Did you animate that video?

  12. Hey Folks

    Did any of you guys see the caricature drawing of Jack Black that John K did on his blog? It's pretty cool looking.

  13. Thats so cool you get to hang with JB and Kyle.. Eddie, ive seen tons of characatures of you by John. When are you going to post some of your John Caracatures? Or better yet.. Post some good photos of John so we all can characaturize him.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Anonymous 1: Your request is my command! I'll put up some more Worm drawings! About the voices on that film, I'll do a whole post on that sometime soon.

    Anonymous 2: Iron vocal chords!? Amazing!

    Jennifer: Of course Sister Wendy would lust after me! We're the same species! We both have a great set of buck teeth! BTW, what is "Muilina?" (spelled right?)

    Cableclair: Hot!?.....(Blush!)(Blush again!)

    Gavin: I can't talk about it right now!

    Ryan: I'd love to see you guys do caricatures of John! I'll see if I can rustle up some reference.

  16. Thats cool eddie. Just thought I ask.....

  17. now THAT is a manwhich! awesome pic E!
