Tuesday, August 08, 2006


I wonder if blonde bombshells are making a comeback? For some artists they never really left. One of those is my friend Milt Gray who's just published his own how-to-draw-the-bombshell book (above). Milt is from the Jessica Rabbit, Bill Ward, Eric Stanton school of girl art. He goes bananas over a certain part of the female anatomy. Can you guess which part?
The pictures in the book are character layouts from a 12-minute sexy adventure film he's working on. He estimates that he'll have to generate about 15,000 drawings so down the line he'll need some help. If you need a job and can draw or animate this sort of thing, let him know. He plans to put up a web site soon at www.miltongray.comAt the moment the only way to get the book is from Astounding Comics, 224 E. Orange Grove, Burbank 91502, tel: (818) 953-7234 (What's the store's net address? Aaaarrgghh! I forgot to ask and it's a trillion o'clock at night as I write this). The store accepts mail orders.

By the way, You should also look up an article Milt wrote on animation timing for John Kricfalusi's blog. It's flat out one of the best things I've ever read on the subject!


  1. Holy FUCK those are big boobs. I think it's about time someone do a "How to draw men with a big you-know-what." Maybe I will, if and when my drawing skills get out of the puberty state. Big boobed gals have become boring to draw. To quote Chaplin I prefer the Louis Brooks "pear-shaped" boobs.

    Those drawings are pretty funny though- the breasts look like icing dispensers- makes you wanna squeeze 'em and write Happy Birthday over everything!

  2. Milt Grey should create a super-villain to challenge her: Osteoporosis Man!!

    I would love to work for Milt Grey. When his site's up, I'll be there. B)

  3. I just figured out what the figures in your Delsarte post are missing!

    See ya

  4. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Why bother attaching a head to it?

  5. [i]I think it's about time someone do a "How to draw men with a big you-know-what."[/i]

    I think John K already does. Check out Naked Beach Frenzy.

    Anyway, I agree big boobs are a little worn out, though animated they could be real funny if the lady constantly has to fight keeping her balance. Nobody's gone that far yet though. I prefer creating charicatured spunky enthusiastic (normal proportioned) girls though. Both in animation and drawing. Energy and bounce akin to Coal Black is just fun.

  6. Anonymous12:53 PM

    My word 15,000 drawings of that big ass and huge udders would most definately turn you into a legs man...

    Godspeed Milt!

  7. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Interesting...but what's it supposed to be?

  8. What would you do with boobs that big? Juggle them? Punch them? Curl up inside of them to keep warm? By the time she's 60, those boobs are gonna hang so low they could double as wrecking balls.

  9. Anonymous4:43 PM

    I see a potential crossover series between Milt Gray's Ms. Viagri Ampleten and Jim Smith's Chestacles.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Are there any other characters in this cartoon besides those two?
