Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Am I the only one here who likes saloon paintings? I mean the reclining nudes that always occupy the center space over the bar in the old westerns. It's in the interest of the bar to put one up because every red-blooded man will be tempted to order an extra drink just so he can toast the lady.

Of course we're cartoonists and if we were painting the bar picture we might put up something a little different. I could see this Milt Gross guy reclining in a bunch of grapes and cupids, couldn't you? Don Martin would have made a good saloon painter. Of course his pictures would have needed those long Baroque frames with all the gold curly-cues.

Bar nudes can't be too sexy. If they are the patrons won't try to toast the lady, they'll try to jump over the bar and rub her bottom.


  1. HAHAHA!

    Ya I'd like to see a cartoon man reclining.

    This famous one comes to mind: Ingre.

  2. I'd like to point out that pink nipples are ubiquitous among these reclining nude paintings.

  3. I demand reclining Milt Gross drawings in every saloon post haste! By the way...what exactly was that "something" added to Kahl's envelope?

  4. they'll try to jump over the bar and rub her bottom.

    Or worse. <:O

  5. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Of course, one has to keep in mind that, ahem, standards of pulchritude have changed since the days of Bat Masterston et alia. Chaps went for a more Reubenesque figure, and I don't mean the sammich. Or maybe I do; some of the babes in that era don't look like they missed many lunches.

    See the one, the only Lucius Beebe for some hilarious descriptions of Western bars, especially in his adopted home of Virginia City, Nevada.

  6. This reminds me of something.

    There's a place called Carmen's in the Gayborhood of Philadelphia, maybe you;ve been there?

    It's a teensy old eatery that feels like someone's musty private house. The food's great and it's filled with angry old men as the regulars. It's cluttered with country style crap but if you look closey, you'll see some ceramic boners.

    There's a GIANT dusty portrait of Carmen (the owner and only chef) when she was fertile and easy to look at. She comes out to take your order all wrinkly, but she still wears super high heels while cooking.

    If I owned a bar, I'd go the egotist route and have portraits of myself all over it. Carmen's place was so tacky, but it only works if it's not on purpose.

  7. Yes, the standards of beauty sure have changed over the years. For the better? Who's to say? But get a load of Bettie Page, an icon of desire to this day - she'd have made a perfect model for a saloon painting.

  8. i forgot to sign my comment


    Margo Bog


  9. I want a beautiful oil painting of a reclining Eddie. If I can't have that, I'll settle for a recumbant Mike Fontanelli mosaic made of elbow macaroni.

    Link o' the day

    See ya

  10. Haha, that is great. A Don Martin saloon painting with one of his women characters that looks like a man with long hair. That's hilarious.

  11. I hate to admit this, but I USED to have a portrait of Eddie, reclining and... er... quite... uh... nude.

    It was on a business card he gave me when he was working at DIC back in '84. I've got it around here somewhere. Probably in my box of incriminating evidence....

  12. Steve: I know the business card you're talking about! I've been looking for my copies of those cards for years! If it's convenient will you post it somewhere were I can dupe it?

    For everybody else reading this: Yeah, it's a naked card alright but there's no nasty bits, nothing that you couldn't show to kids or grannies. I mean this was my business card for Pete's sake!

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Over my saloon would be dirty paintings of Olive Oyl and Betty Boop, painted by Katie.

    Thanks for the "link o' the day", Steve. It's Kabuki Theatre meets Ernie Kovacs!

    I'll be glad to pose naked for a macaroni portrait - but I warn you, you'll need a mighty big stuffed cannelloni.

    Ciao, bella!

  15. Eddie, can I show my granny your nasty bits business card? She's so lonely...

  16. Hi Eddie,
    I'm trying to find your old card, but when I do, I'll be sure to post a copy for all to see and *ahem* enjoy.

    But I gotta warn ya, last time I saw it, it seared my retinas something awful. My vision's never been the same since.

    And no, I wouldn't show that particular card to my granny...

  17. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Now that I think of it, "The Shooting of Dan McGrew," (the second, more authentic version done by Avery) had a painting-behind-the-bar bag.

    Nude paintings will turn up on occasion in cartoons, e.g. 'Daffy - The Commando' (I think) in the bunker.

  18. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Used to be the raciest thing in Disneyland or DisneyWorld, was a bar painting. And, it was a nude. It was in Mr. Frogs Wild Ride. Blink and you would miss it. But it was there.

    I have never seen one of these archetypical bar paintings in real life, although I have been in several archetypical Bars of various flavors, mostly in NYC and Chicago.

  19. That restaurant Northwoods Inn has those nude paintings. They have good garlic bread too.

  20. Those saloon paintings that often featured a 'Odalisque' oil painting which was a scene from a Harem conveying the news that white Circassian women were still being sold and held in the Ottoman Empire. These Circassian beauties were made more famous by P.T. Barnum and the full translation of "The Arabian Nights" by Sir Richard F. Burton. These sex slave women admired for their goddess features and light skin were held by enforced slavery in a foreign Islamic Harems, highly prized and desired by Arabian sultans. Nothing appealed more to a true Victorian gentlemen, that rescuing a damsel id distress and miscegenation was frowned upon by most Westerners.

  21. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Where can i purchase one of these patings
