Saturday, December 30, 2006

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!**!!!!@!!!!!++


  1. Happy New Year Eddie!

    I hope we meet in real life in 2007! It's one of my resolutions. I'll be out there Septemberish if all goes well.

    What are your resolutions? Do you have any?

  2. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Happy New Year Uncle Eddie!

  3. Happy New Year!

    I make a resolution to read your blog every day. Cheers.

  4. Happy new year Uncle Eddie! Behave yourself!

  5. Cable: My resolutions? Boy, I have a bunch of them! This year I want to: 1)sell one of my projects, 2) figure out how the best prose and fiction writing work, 3)learn FLASH, and 4)do a lot more work in color. OK, there's mine! How about yours?

  6. Anonymous3:18 PM

    And a Happy, Happy New Year to you and your'n, Uncle Eddie!!

  7. As Mike would say, "how dare you!"

  8. 1) Move & study in L.A. My life there starts in September if all goes well with the paperwork.
    2) oh yea. That drivers licence. Kinda need it, right? heh.
    3) Communicate better with parents and other loved ones.
    4) Date Hans Teeuwen. Nggghh!
    5) Meet you and the rest of your animation bunch.
    6) draw more.
    7) Dare to show myself more.
    8) do standup again.
    9) get payed acting jobs.
    10) Don't let people walk over me.
    11) Posture!
    12) Stop farting so darn much.
    13) be less neurottic
    My list is ENDLESSSSS. AAAAAH.

  9. Anonymous1:14 PM


    Neurotic farting may not be the greatest thespian asset it will help you run a major media company.

  10. >>This year I want to: 1)sell one of my projects<<

    Hey Eddie, ever consider creating a syndicated comic strip? I always thought that your outlook on life combined with your fantastic drawing ability would make the best comic strip of all time.

    P.S. Happy New Year.

  11. Cable: If you're comming to LA to find a job in TV animation you'd better draw an awfull lot between now and September. Draw the characters who are in shows that are on TV right now. Go to the Cartoon Network site (wherever that is) and find out what they're up to.

  12. Shawn: The ladies that run the cartoon syndicates are even more clueless than TV executives. My guess is that the best way to get a strip is to make a big splash in some other venue like the internet and be invited into the papers.

    Jorge: Rocky? I like a couple of the Rocky films but I don't have anything original to say about them. What made you think of that?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Happy New Year Eddie! Thanks for all your great theories!

  15. >>The ladies that run the cartoon syndicates are even more clueless than TV executives.<<

    I know. I'm just dreaming, I guess.

  16. Yess I'll draw my butt off. I still suck way too much to find a job in animation. I do want to learn learn learn as much as possible though. Just don't know if I have what it takes. I do not come to find a job though because migration people say Claar no workie in L.A. Just study. Si. Part time job to get by, first year. On campus only. Second year, maybe worky off campus but still part time. If Claar says she wants worky worky as say, actress and comedian who improves her drawing skills till maximum level and stay foreeeeever, they go kicky kicky her out of country foreeeeever.

  17. awesome drawing and cool extended pinkie finger! hahaa.
