Thursday, December 28, 2006


It turns out that they were the precursers of a storm which knocked out my power lines. I'm writing this on one of my local library's computers with someone in line staring impatiently over my shoulder even though I only just sat down.

It's just as well. I can't access my picture file from here. I'll post later, or maybe tomorrow. Before I leave I think I'll see if the library has the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue.

Bye for now.


  1. >>someone in line staring impatiently over my shoulder even though I only just sat down.

    Not the kind of man who reads Theory Corner? Doesn't that rude fellow know you're UNCLE EDDIE?! I'd show him what you were working on, so that he'd fold away and run!!

  2. Anonymous9:18 AM

    That was one massive power outage, Eddie. 80 m.p.h. winds split trees and blew down the 'McGee's Storage'(formerly Bekins) sign, temporarily closing down Ventura Blvd. Once the power came back online, milk sales in the valley boomed.

  3. Jenny: A reply to your note from a ouple of days ago: I can't remember which "Night People" I gave you. It was probably the Jack Finney book about people walking around at night looking for tricks to play. The thing that muddies my memory is that Michael Reeves, one of the Tiny Toons writers, also wrote a book called Night People around the time when we were working on that show. I still have my copy.

  4. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Yes, milk. Milk soured when the refrigeration died. Milk rules!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Say...where the heck is the cloud post? Did it disappear, or am I just...having problems? Erp.

  7. this happened to me too. i hate power outages.

  8. Jenny: I deleted the cloud drawings because I made them with a short film idea in mind and it was foolish of me to release the idea before I had a chance to use it myself. Sorry I had to do that. Hope you weren't inconvenienced.

  9. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Good lord, Eddie! "Inconvienienced?" No, not a bit! That's a peculiar choice of terms!

    I merely asked as I missed it(I love your sketches as you well know), and thought it might be an inadvertent *blip* that swallowed your blog post whole...I completely understand, of course. Dear me...
    In any event they were very appealing little clouds.

    I'll just go make myself scarce now.....*wanders away puzzled at U.E.'s sudden hauteur* ; )
    Your pal,
