Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Hello, men! Uncle Eddie here! It's come to my attention that some Theory Corner men (Jorge)don't like my posts about architecture. They (Jorge) think the subject is boring. Imagine that! A manly pursuit like architecture is boring to these people (Jorge)!!! Yes, it's hard to believe that some people (Jorge) who visit this site can be that depraved and uncultured.

I've thought about it and have decided that disciplinary action is called for. I hate to punish everybody for the misdeeds of a few (Jorge) but what choice do I have? A good captain someimes has to show his crew the cat-o-nine tails. Bad apples (Jorge), you brought this on yourselves!!!!

See this (above)? Kinda nice, huh? You'd like more, wouldn't ya?...Of course you would.

But THIS (above) is what you get!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And THIS (above)!!!!!!!!!

AND THIS (above) TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND...and...and even..even this (above)!!!!!!!!!!! (puff!)!!!!!!! (pant!)!!!!!!!!! Whadaya think 'a that!? (Puff!) (Pant!) (Puff!)

Now see what you've done? You bad apples have unleashed Mr. Bad! I take no resposibility for it!


  1. Oops! I forgot to attribute the caricature of me to John Kricfalusi! I swiped it from a recent post on his blog, called "And All That Crap." Er..."And all That Stuff?" No, wait..."All Kinds of Stuff!?" That's it..."ALL KINDS OF STUFF"!!! It's such a doggone modest title. I wish John had called it something like, "John Kricfalusi's Chamber of Advanced Animation, Beautiful Women and Cultural Refinement."

  2. Poor Jorge!

    Eddie: your blog's a great poetic complement to John's, I reckon. While he talks a lot on his (for important educational reasons of course) about stuff in the world he doesn't like, you seem to find quite a lot of stuff in the world to like.

    I like it when you talk about eclectic stuff. You bring it all in to your fold and make it digestible, tenderly pre-chewing your subjects if you will. I get scared of going off on too many tangents in case I complicate myself to death, so my blogs are more uptight. You have a gift for getting to the point without losing that digestive warmth. Like a warm digestive biscuit perhaps. I don't know what I'm talking about. It's early in the morning.

  3. Anonymous12:50 AM

    teehee. cumming.

  4. Anonymous12:51 AM

    Damn you few (Jorge)!

  5. Chloe: a digestive bisquit!? Well, it's still a nice compliment. Thanks Chloe!

  6. Someone made fun of my name. Ah well, at least Eddie enjoyed being compared to a biscuit. Except actually he was just confused by it. Never mind. Worse things happen at sea.

  7. Heather has two mommies...ugh..oh Eddie you are a mercinary!!!
    I hope everyone(Jorge) now cowars with weak kneed fear at the mear thought of displeasing the rothful and mighty Eddie.
    By the way I like all your many theory subjects, variety is the spice of life and most all have something that leaves me chuckling and wondering whats coming next/

  8. Damn people like Jorge for ruining it for the rest of us! Now Eddie's mad and WE'RE the ones who have to suffer.

    Hang you head in shame, Jorge. Hang your head in shame...

  9. Dammit, you cannot UN-see things! That's why I never click on links this one friend of mine sends me.

    On the other hand, I'm shocked enough people cared about this Pvt. Doberman guy to inspire a comic book just about him. I must own this thing.

  10. Wonderful to see John's portrait of you again. The more I look at it, the more I am convinced that you actually are a shrunken head salesman.

  11. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Whoa! Sgt Bilko's Private Doberman!

    Did that ever make it past issue #1?

  12. Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! You are deliciously evil, Uncle Eddie.

    Poor Jorge - after this post, the men will probably beat him with a wet spaghetti noodle.

  13. Eeeeeasy Eddie. Remember your delicate condition.

  14. Posts like this are why the internet is a good thing.

  15. You'll have to try harder Eddie, because that milt Gross girl was the most beautifull woman i've ever seen!

  16. Anonymous2:06 PM

    goddammit jorge.

    All I lack from the theory corner is more Eddiedoodles. but is that what we really lack? is there ever enough?

  17. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Eddie, In the the future please refrain from printing photos of Jorge's girlfriend, some of us might have been eating lunch or trying to drink something at the time.

  18. Hey Eddie! Do you think we look alike?

  19. this might've backfired. the people like mr. bad.

  20. First the militia beheadings. Then the Saddam execution. Now this. Whither the internet? Where will it all end?

  21. Hey Anonymous- "Sgt. Bilko's Pvt. Doberman" actually did make it past issue #1! After Eddie posted this I did some research on acquiring the photo-cover issue and found out they printed at least 5 issues... possibly more.

    At that point, I lost interest so I stopped pursuing it!

  22. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Eddie don't foget the Gomer Pyle: USMC comics. Galleeee! You keep on talking about what you like Eddie. The blog is yours ain't it. Your name is on it. I like the art of building structures as well. I'd like to live in a Hundertwasser house anyday.

  23. HHAAAAHHAHAHAHAH ROTFL. You're too funny Eddie!


  24. blast you Bad Apples(Jorge)! What has thou wrought? A pox upon thee for a scurvy knave!
    Some of us actually find the architecture stuff interesting. the last one in fact, i found to be pretty stinkin' cool.
