Tuesday, March 27, 2007


A few weeks ago I read part of a palmistry book, not just any palmistry book but a really neat one that emphasized the horrific aspects. It was full of dire warnings lest you ever encounter someone who has airspaces between the bottoms of their fingers (a serial killer) or fourth fingers longer than the third (chronic misfits). What a find! I thought it would be a great subject for a blog!

Unfortunately in an addled state I returned it unfinished to the library to avoid paying a ten cent fine. Now I've recovered my senses but I can't remember the name of the book or which branch I got it from. Too bad! Anyway, I'm not likely to get it back any time soon so I thought I'd post the doodles I did while reading it. Here they are....


  1. Uh oh...my boyfriend is a serial murderer! Great doodles Eddie!

  2. awesome hands & excellent poses

  3. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Eddie, you OWN hands.

  4. He doesn't just own hands, he's the Alan Greenspan of the Hand economy.

  5. Seems like a good way to fondle women in the name of science.

  6. Your drawings are so cute Eddie!

  7. EEEEEEEEEEEEE! I just LOVE Uncle Eddie's doodles! I want one. There's an idea for fundraising, Uncle Eddie - sell some of your doodles.

    Alan Greenspan of the Hand economy - sweet comparison!

  8. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Libraries keep records of all the books you've check out. And most branches share the same system as long as they're part of the same city or county. You should just ask any one of them what book it was.

  9. Anonymous2:14 PM

    I have my doubts about palm reading. When I had my palms read the palm reader said I was a great mystery. What can of interpretation is that? I wasn't even worthy of a nice, general characteristic that encompasses most anybody.

  10. Eddie, you post lots of good stuff...but my favorite posts are the ones which feature your drawings.

  11. The people demand an in depth Theory Corner post on how to draw Eddie Fitzgerald quality hands!

    See you later this week, Eddie!

  12. i remember reading somewhere that there was a relation between being a good athlete and having the ring finger longer than the index finger. And it was a genetic thing, a scientific theory. My fingers fit the description, but i have no athletic inclination. I'm a sedentary slob, in fact. Well, i maybe it's the opposite of what i remember, or maybe it doesn't work 100%. Or maybe i have athlete's genes and never cared to use them.

  13. haaha these are funny. i like the one where the girl is freaking out.

  14. Anonymous8:32 PM

    I like the doodles, Eddie!

    You should do one about Phrenology.

  15. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Eddie, could you post some more Kliban comics if you have any???

  16. Anonymous10:40 PM

    I saw a movie about a guy who read womens tits

  17. Katie: That's what makes the book great! Everybody has at least one of the danger signs!

    Katz: How to pose hands? I can tell you that right now! Make the pose you want in a mirror then caricature it. I always have a mirror near my drawing table.

    Anon: The library might have a record? Thanks, I'll talk to them about it.

  18. Anon: I think there was a whole book of Kliban Playboy cartoons but, stupid me, I was too cheap to buy it. I used to see his cat book in used book stores but I haven't seen it lately.

  19. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Kliban was married to M.K. Brown when he was alive.

  20. Anon: M.K. Brown! No kidding! It must have been an interesting household!

  21. Anonymous8:58 PM

    you sure? her stuff is pretty hacky next to klibans
