Friday, September 14, 2007


Today I'm going to pay a visit to the Halloween stores in my neighborhood. I can't wait! For me Halloween is the time of year when the rest of the country agrees with me about what's important. I see it as a time to stock up on things I'll need the rest of the year.

Mostly I like funny masks but I also like the kid art that people put up in their windows. Here's a sample above. Come to think of it, maybe these were done by adults trying to pass as kids.

This one (above) isn't too bad.

More kid stuff (above). Grade school teachers are great at setting off kid art to the best advantage. Individually these masks aren't special at all but together against black they look great. The gray stripe along the bottom is a touch of genius. Put your thumb over the gray and you'll see that the picture suffers without it. Where do teachers learn how to do that?

Old Halloween cards are the best.

More genius kids stuff (above). How do they think of things like this?
An Indonesian mask? I'm not sure. It sure looks great, though!

South Sea island-type masks done by kids...beautiful stuff!


  1. Those are all beautiful...I have to say I too am...impressed by the "breakfast" mask. Whatta concept.
    Halloween always makes me wish we had the fall of Pennsylvania...I hope we at least get chilly nights with wind and clouds.

  2. Weeee! I can't wait for Halloween! I'm sorry, but no holiday can beat costumes AND candy! I always have to start planning my costume in august, because I get so many ideas, and change my mind so many times, I have to make sure that after I've decided I still have ample time to make/gather everything I need.

  3. Jenny: I still have the Haloween cat and pumpkin cat you gave me when we worked together at Warners. Beautiful stuff!

  4. Eddie, you're kidding! I was thinking about those very things last night, wondering if you still had them! (*cue eerie music*)
    My memories were triggered by your post plus my pulling out some of my own vintage Oct. 31 paper...great minds and all that rot, eh?

    I'll be sure & take some pics of our decorations this year, maybe post them on the sketchbook or link them on Flickr.

  5. Ah, Halloween!
    Eddie you speak to my heart! Just the other day it was overcast and windy so I got in my truck and drove out to a secluded hill top to watch the fog come into the valley. The hill being home to a very old cemetery made the whole thing great!

    Then it was the Halloween store. They had a rubber vulture that I nearly had to buy!

    I like the day because of how, mostly, everyone is on the same page. It's about play and good times and sharing. And scares! My very favorite thing to do... scare folks.

    It is brilliant how kids can be so uninhibited! Checkers of color and paper squares arranged in random ways are perfect the way a child creates them.

    Us grown-ups have to keep vigil over ourselves. Gotta stay frosty and keep that child-like joy in creating and playing alive and well. Halloween is the best time to do that!

  6. Inspiring, maybe I will make a mask for Halloween. That would be cool. Last year I was Sam Adams. It was cool because I kind look like the guy on the bottle and I was carrying around a big mug of beer.

  7. Jenny is totally right. I think windy Autumn nights are one of the things I'm going to miss most when I leave PA. Tonight was a perfect example! Ah, chilly!

  8. just wanted to drop a line and say it was nice getting to talk to you at the Wolverton exhibit.

    stay away from my kurtzman,

  9. Uncle Phil: Yeah, the Wolvertons were great. It was odd to see pictures like that in a gallery. Did you notice there was no white-out on any of the pictures?

    Jenny, Micah: Great! I can't wait to see them! I went to the Halloween store today after going to the Wolverton exhibit. No really funny masks but I like the shivering man that they're selling this year.
