Wednesday, November 07, 2007


I haven't drawn anything for the site in a while so I thought I'd look up some good smoking scenes on YouTube and draw them. To my surprise I didn't find any! Maybe it's because I got distracted by all the bizarre offerings on the sidebars. More on that in a minute! Anyway, here's (above)the best one I found, from one of the Dr. Mabuse films. It gets boring after the first minute but the opening pan of the smokers is brilliant!!! When I was a kid eating in restaurants was like that.

Here's (above) why I got distracted. There's a kazillion clips on the sidebar menus showing girls smoking. Nothing else, just girls sitting there smoking! A lot of them are goths and they blow smoke right at the camera just to let you know who's boss!

Here's another girl smoking. This one amazed me because it proved that urban men and women exist in different worlds. In the clip a girl sits down and smokes nervously beside a TV set, under some plastic leaves. What kills me is that she has complete confidence that tens of thousands of men will be interested in seeing her do that... and the weird thing is, she's probably right. After all, I watched.

What strikes me is that if I sat there with a cigarette, doing the exact same thing, NOBODY would watch it, not even my mother. Not even me! I don't know what lesson there is to be learned from this, but I thought I'd pass it along anyway.

Here(above)was an even bigger distraction! A girl blows smoke into the viewer's face while commanding him to send her money! She promises to use the money to treat her boyfriend to dinner at the viewer's expense. Believe me, she's serious! I had no idea this stuff was going on! I'm dying to know if she's making making money at it!

I won't go into all the other genres I discovered, all with a connection to smoking. There's tons of clips of close-ups of long-nailed women smoking and there's lots of "smoking ands": smoking and socks sites, smoking and shoes, smoking and glasses, smoking and pets, smoking and underwear...everything!

Here's (above) a really good clip of Jerry Lewis trapped in an elevator with a smoker. I posted this before in another context but it won't hurt to reprise it here.

I'm still marveling that the girl makes all that money with the "you-vile-worm, send-me-your-money-clips." Just to clear our heads, here's (above) a clip of a guy twirling a cigarette around his fingers like a baton. I swear I'm going to learn how to do this with a pencil! Every artist should know how!


  1. Maybe smoking is now such a disreputable activity among right-thinking people that for some men watching a girl smoke feels mildly pornographic. The old forbidden fruit principle.

  2. It is pretty fascinating to see the kinds of sexual hijinks some men and women need to get excited. Poor men, who want to be treated like dirt by ruthless women! I'm guessing they had some mommy issues, eh?

    On an pseudo-related and pretty depressing note, I have been reading about the widespread and growing number of women and children sold into sexual slavery around the world, including the US. The people who study this believe it directly correlates to the pornsplosion the world has undergone thanks to the internet. When one has unlimited access to the most degrading and tasteless porno at the click of a mouse, and society accepts it . . . it seems to me to be little surprise that men crave more and more 'stimulation.'

    I am glad that the fetish community I am a part of, the oh so horrifying and despicable FURRIES, aren't hurting anybody because come on, there aren't any walking talking skunk women out there to abuse!

  3. That twirling is really hard.

    "What strikes me is that if I sat there with a cigarette, doing the exact same thing, NOBODY would watch it, not even my mother. Not even me! I don't know what lesson there is to be learned from this, but I thought I'd pass it along anyway."

    Um, I think you exactly what lesson is to be learned from that.

    ...and I'm sort of intrigued by your blanket appellation of "goth girl" to these women! ; D

  4. Asians seem born with innate pencil twirling skills. Check this one out:

    In Korea many animators do this without thinking about it. It's an ability Americans somehow never developed.

  5. HA HA HA. I saw ads for these videos like 10 years or more ago in the back of popular mechanics. We thought is was hilarious. And then there were the doral smoke ads. They were the stupidest ads for cigarettes. Just families smoking and talking about how they liked smoking. I don't think they have those ads in canada anymore though. Maybe there still in american magazines.

  6. What's the Dr. Mabuse clip? It looks like the 60s era post Fritz Lang ones.

  7. Clearly regular women have dropped the ball on abusing submissive men if professionals have to take up the slack. So many women complain they can't find love, when all the while worship is available.

    Sounds like an income opportunity, ladies, but I don't think most of you will avail yourselves. As this and prostitution demonstrate, regular women are not strongly motivated to address the real desires of men. You are probably too grossed out.

  8. There is a whole sub-category on youtube (and the like) of people being videotaped smoking something called (I think) salvia divanorum. Do a search for "salvia" and you'll have hours of fun watching folks tripping their asses off.

    One classic video shows a guy trying to make a PB&J sandwich while he's in orbit. It doesn't work out so good.

  9. Anonymous2:31 PM

    A live cooking show is in order for David Hasselhoff.

  10. Interesting post Eddie. Thought i'd "draw" your attention to this clip that came up at the end of the girl asking for money. this one not only has an interesting sexy attitude but the smoke itself has some nice design and even adds to the atmoshpere she is trying to create.
    SmokeSiren Annie Vox

  11. Anonymous6:18 PM

    I know smoking is very unhealthy, but I always thought cartoons looked great with cigarettes. I'll imagine Bugs Bunny smoking and making small coughs between his words, asserting himself towards a person he doesn't think is listening to him. That sort of thing.

    Though it's funny to watch these women on YouTube try to be all sultry and blow smoke into the camera.

  12. Lester: I don't smoke but I have to admit that smoking is funny and dramatic. I look at smokers as modern-day heroes who sacrifice their health to make the world more cartoony for the rest of us.

    My only advise to these noble people is to make their smoking ritual even more exaggerated, more over-the-top.

    Kelly: In a lifetime I've never for an instant felt the desire to be humiliated. I don't think most men would be turned on by this. It is funny though, you have to admit.

    Jenny: Lesson? What lesson? I don't think any of the women in the videos I posted are goths. That referred to some of the women on videos I passed on.

    Whit: Thanks a million for the link! I spent two hours watching pencil twirling videos! I'm going to learn it!

    Craig: Yes, the drool videos! There are dozens of them! I had no idea that drool was a genre!

    Rusty: I almost posted that one but chose the shorter one instead. These fetish videos are funny in small doses but kind of depressing in the long form.

  13. Eddie - When it comes to smoky bar videos, this is my all time favorite:

    Big Bill Broonzy in Belgium, 1956.
    Have you ever seen it? I love when he laughs at 8:30. Definitely worth watching full screen. Quite a talent.

  14. Ha, Eddie, you posited that you couldn't understand why watching some sexy women with a cig is so popular when NO ONE would watch YOU doing the same thing. So I guess I thought the "lesson in that" that you bring up was, well...obvious? ; D

    Although having seen you mime "smoking" with a pencils and straws, I'd argue that you yourself doing a cigarette routine might be eminently watchable-even if you aren't female.

    As for the goths, that was my misreading!

  15. Jenny: LOL! Thanks for the positive review of my pencil smoking!

    Steve: The link was so murky that I couldn't see too much. Thanks for bringing up Broonzy. I never heard of him til you mentioned him. I listened to a few YouTube videos on him.

  16. Anonymous10:16 AM

    On a side note, the way that smoker lady's apartment was decorated..with the plastic plant, sparse wood chip furniture and green carpet...that's the most depressing thing in ANY of these videos! An environment completely devoid of any creativity.

    That said, there are far worse "humiliation" videos out there and they ain't on YouTube! Some involve being trampled on by high heels on parts most of us would not want something spiky pressing on.
    The idea of attracting men by goading them thru insults is interesting, and probably stems from the way they got attention from mom.

    There are so many "specialties" when it comes to sexual appetites..the internet has revealed the lavish buffet of kinks, fetishes and deviations like nothing has before it. What is of particular interest to me is that most sexual material for sale on the net is geared towards men to pay for. Do women pay to watch guys smoke cigarettes, for example? ( any MEN??)
    I also think the cig is clearly phallic. And there must be *something* sexual about it because yeah, why else do we sit like bovines watching that lady puff away. We seem to expect something shocking to happen. besides the horrible taste in decorating, of course.

