Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Here it is, the second (and final) part of the "Uncle Eddie's Theory Corner" retrospective, summing up about 640 posts over a period of nearly two years!

Next to animation and cartooning the thing I've probably posted most about is architecture. It's easy to see why an artist would do that; architecture is art that you live in. My own preference is for architecture that's romantic. You picture yourself having adventures in it, it provokes your best thoughts, It reminds you that you're part of a culture, you want to show it to friends who haven't seen it yet.

I've done a lot of posts about dinner friends like John, Mike, Steve, Kali, Katie and Marlo (excerpts from two different strips, above). I've done a zillion "My Dinner with Andre"-type posts about John and I'd do the same for Mike if he'd let me. In Mike's case the dinners would be especially easy to write about because they all begin the same way: we sit down, Mike spots a beautiful girl, he shouts, "Eddie, Eddie, quick! LookLookLook!", I look, and Mike gets completely unhinged because I'm too obvious.

I've published a lot of sketch reference (above) over the last two years. I love the way real people look, as opposed to fashion models.

I've also posted a lot about fine art. Here's (above) excerpts from one of my favorite posts, showing the contrast between Roman and Renaissance (spelled right?) sculpture. The Roman bust celebrates the practical man of action, the Renaissance one, by Donatello, celebrates the sensitive, thinking, man.

I frequently censor pictures that make me look fat or ugly (above).

I did a few posts on my film, "Tales of Worm Paranoia." I'll do some more when I find the drawings I saved.

Lots of Greek stuff (above) on the site. Greek philosophy is refreshingly manly, clear and practical.

I've done several posts on the subject of cartoon anatomy (above). Theory Corner Readers have a scientific bent and frequently catch me on factual errors.

Once I did a whole post (excerpt, above) on patterns of male back hair. You won't find that in Burne Hogarth!

Sometimes I publish drawings from the projects I work on, but not too often. Most employers don't let me draw in my own style.

I've done lots of doodles (above and below) for this blog.

Smoking: it's a dangerous, filthy habit, but the rituals are soooo interesting!

When I draw in my own style I never have trouble drawing women. Women are simply men with long hair and breasts.

I haven't drawn anything for the blog since before Christmas. That's because all my free time is taken up with the computer. I'm determined to get comfortable with this machine and learn a little Flash and Photoshop.

Well, that's it! I'll have to do another retrospective this time next year! Good grief, I hope I don't run out of things to say by then!


  1. You really have to show more sketches, Eddie! Your sense of observation and making little real things hilarious is unsurpassed! I rarely even laugh out loud when watching animated cartoons, but I did when looking at those kissing drawings again...

  2. You need to do more posts with your doodles.

    They're always so energetic and full of life :)

  3. Thanks for the stroll down memory lane, Eddie! I've been coming here since almost the beginning -- and will for as long as you choose to do it, I expect!

  4. Its been a wonderful year, it has.
    Thanks for sharing Eddie.

  5. Uncle Eddie,

    Your blog is STILL one of the most entertaining out there! I always enjoy reading your perspective on different subjects.

    Your photo essays rock the house. Those essays are creative, and some of them are laugh-out-loud hilarious. The YouTube essay was probably the funniest of the bunch because your observations of the typical YouTube commentator was spot-on.

  6. Anonymous9:25 AM

    You should start posting comics again.

  7. Looking it all over, it's been a pretty good ride so far. We are lucky to have you.

    There were some memorable posts where I should have commented but didn't. I hereby vow to express enthusiasm publicly in the future.

    I have to admit I was hoping for a little inside dope on what you're doing when you're not blogging or brushing or sleeping. I can't decide whether you animate or teach or both.

  8. Um, forgive me, but

    Mr. Fitzgerald, what do you work on besides your blog. What is you source of income? Just curious.

    You post all this knowledge and information, yet very little on your own projects. Why don't you do a post of stuff you have either directed or animated throughout your career. Just a suggestion.

    Congrats on keeping your blog going.

  9. Congradulations! PLEEEASE make another 7 minute cartoon film! Would you ever consider producing it yourself?

  10. There is a simple reason Eddie doesn't tell us about his regular job. He works for the Pentagon and it's all top secret. He is a counter-terrorism animator. Right now he's storyboarding a special weapons op involving fast-acting nerve toxins derived from fugu fish poison glands. Ooops! I just gave it away, didn't I? Please don't kill me Eddie! Please don't kill me! PLEEEEE ......

  11. I hate to be critical but....

    in your moral zeal to be humble you've overlooked your important work on the meaning of life & the proper relation of the individual to society.

  12. Emmett, Lester: I never talk candidly about the projects I'm working on in public. Nobody does. You want to be loyal to the person who was kind enough to hire you.

    It looks like the project I'm on is winding down, so I'll be a bum until I find something else.

  13. Awesome to see all these drawings again, Eddie! Keep it up!

  14. This is the way I want to go when my time is up - with a lifetime's worth of Uncle Eddie's Theories flashing before my mortal eyes!

  15. Yaay! Stuff about 'Worm Paranoia' ( my favorite cartoon ) and honess ta guhness Theory Corner sketches!

    I can't find the old 'Paranoia' posts, Eddie ( before my time ). Can you help me?

    - trevor.

    ps: Dave's right. More posts illustrated from your pencil, please!

  16. Hi Eddie, your blog is great! I love your photo essays. Do you write them first, or take picture first, or do you pretty much do both of those things at the same time?

  17. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Emmett, Lester: I never talk candidly about the projects I'm working on in public. Nobody does. You want to be loyal to the person who was kind enough to hire you.

    JohnK does it all the time, Eddie. I see nothing wrong with it as long as you aren't giving away secrets.

  18. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Nice post! This retrospective was sorely needed, this blog is the crown jewel of the inernet.

  19. I've been meaning to talk to you about that worm cartoon. Worms do not have arms legs and teeth. This is the sort of thing that leads children to grow up with unrealistic expectations about worms.

  20. "JohnK does it all the time, Eddie. I see nothing wrong with it as long as you aren't giving away secrets."

    When you're working on some else's project, they generally prefer you play it closer to the vest.
    At least that has been my experience.

  21. Anonymous1:03 PM

    anyone else find that Pics of young John K looks a Helluva lot like young Bob Clampett?

  22. Anonymous2:14 PM

    "Emmett, Lester: I never talk candidly about the projects I'm working on in public. Nobody does. You want to be loyal to the person who was kind enough to hire you.

    JohnK does it all the time, Eddie. I see nothing wrong with it as long as you aren't giving away secrets."

    I cpncur. You probably don't mean it this way, but the way you phrased your reasoning makes it sound like there'd be some criticism or something inherently negative about just saying where you're working or on what show.

    I doubt any Nick or other show would be upset at the shout out of having a world-beloved blogger like Uncle Eddie working under their roof, even if just doing freelance. It's all good, isn't it?

    Or maybe you're superstitious about hexing your job by naming it, like telling a birthday wish?

  23. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Can you do a post on the whole "french" arty style of cartooning/illustration? I cant stand it but cant articulate why excactly even though I recognize it immediately when I see it and would love to see your take on it.

  24. Anonymous3:14 PM


    The art in this game is basically what Im talking about

  25. Anonymous11:01 PM


  26. That French game looked like it was done in Southeast Asia somewhere, just like the good ol' American product. Here's some student work from Gobelins that's a little less homogenised & international:


  27. i find the best way to learn software is to give your self project (pre-existing ones even) and decide to accomplish it with the program. when you are just putzing around with a program or even using tutorials its hard to see the use in all the features of the program. like learning algebra by rote and never using it to figure which salsa is cheaper by the ounce.
