Friday, June 27, 2008


This was done really quick and dirty, just for fun. It's a minute and forty seconds long.

Boy, how did I ever get along without an isight camera?


  1. I laughed, I cried, I peed a little.

    Hey Eddie, just curious. Was the film soundtrack you used from 'Camille'?

    - trevor.

  2. Alas, poor Marguerite. Paying with her life now for having consumed vast quantities of cheap, 10 year old boxed chocolates. Dying and losing her beautiful golden locks of hair from those toxic bonbons.

    But wait - who brought her that gift of chocolates? Wasn't it the lover she now so trustingly holds in her arms? Perhaps he is a fiend who has never really loved Marguerite at all. Perhaps he's been after her vast fortune all along! Could he have been that masked intruder who broke into her mansion only several nights ago...?

  3. Anonymous1:18 PM

    They should close down all the broadcast networks, fire the suits, and just hook Uncle Eddie's iMac into a carrier wave. The world would be a far, far better place for it.

  4. your expression during the kiss struggle is just AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHH!!!

    so so funny.

  5. You ...I have no words to ...great.

  6. There's no such thing as boring when you're in front of the camera! Those barrages of kisses were hysterical!

  7. Baby, please get some bobby pins.

  8. Oh Eddie you kill me every time!!! Joy has again been brought to the masses. The eyebrow, the wig slipping......a masterpiece.

  9. Marlo: You put up new stuff on your site and I didn't realize it because it was added to a pre-existing post. Very, very nice!

  10. That was so great Eddie!!!! I laughed so hard! I love your videos!

  11. what's wrong with me? why haven't i been checking this blog on a regular basis? bravo!!!
