Thursday, November 27, 2008




  1. Anonymous10:42 AM


  2. Happy thanksgiving to you too!!

  3. Lol, I'm stealing away from the family to write this message.

    Happy Thansgiving to you too, Uncle Eddie!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving Uncle Eddie!

  5. Referring to an earlier post on film posters, STARWARZZ writes:

    This is a facinating page. I am a young film maker myself and it depresses me to see what's become of hand drawn artwork. Drew Struzan {the guy who painted the Star Wars trilogies, The Goonies, Indiana Jones series, Harry Potter, E.T. etc} retired a month ago partly due to the industry refusing to use his work. He hand painted a masterpiece for "Hellboy" and the studio decided to use a cr*ppy photoshop image instead. He also did "Pan's Labyrinth", Harry Potter sequel, The Mist, all of which were rejected.

    The thing that I find most interesting is that George Lucas who is so into digital film making/ technology, admired Drews work and asked him to hand paint the Star Wars 1997 re-issues, the new trilogy and Indiana Jones IV, becuase he wasn't happy with what the marketing department had come up with using computers!

    I kind of agree with a couple of the other posters on the board who suggest my theory, that it's the "stars" contracts that condtion them to be on the posters and that their images must be a certain size, etc making it a commercial decision. Just like everything it all comes down to money. Whereas someone like George Lucas who has say in everything that happens from beginning to end of his films, will have the final word on how the poster ends up looking. Also worth mentioning, for the final trilogy he had it written into the contracts that the Star Wars films must use the same Drew Struzan artwork in every country of teh world - so they couldn't change it! Respect!! If only there wer more people out there with that power.

    Hopefully there will be a revival in poster artwork in the future, as I consider this a fad. There have been a FEW good digital posters in teh past but they have taken over and that is not acceptable. Give the kids of tomorrow something to look back on and associate the joy and wonder that went with the films they loved when they were kids.

    And stop changing all the classic artwork for James Bond DVDs with a digital poater of the actor. It sucks!

  6. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! I'm thankful for your blog and Meat!

  7. Starwarzz: Interesting! Lucas is a fan of old movies; maybe he's a fan of old movie posters as well.

    Freckled: What a choice of words! 'Hope you had a good Thanksgiving too!

    David, Oppo, Mahala,Vincent: Thanks much! Same to you!

    Denise: Not me, but I always feel sorry for the turkey.

  8. Eddie,(feeling sorry for the turkey)me too.
