Sunday, June 27, 2010


WARNING: Nothing obscene here, but this post is not office or school safe.
In the era of the dinosaurs (above), most young women ran around naked. That's okay. I'm sure nobody complained. In those days, even middle-aged women were probably pretty slim and athletic.

Not so for modern city women (above). They tend to put on weight pretty early in life. So do modern men, but this post isn't about them.

Most modern women will eventually develop a pear shape, like Rembrandt's wife in the drawing above.

Instead of developing a gut like middle-aged men do, they develop a thickening of the entire middle of the body.  Oddly, the upper torso remains relatively thin, at least for a while.

Why is this so interesting? Because this shape puts enormous emphasis on the the genital makes it the unmistakable center of interest. The whole body becomes a wide, diamond-shaped target with a huge patch of pubic hair in the center. When you consider that women reach their sexual peak at the same age they take this shape, then the only conclusion to draw is that nature desperately wants to advertise women's sexuality at this age. Why? I don't know. 

After a bit the upper torso expands as well, creating a sort of vertical barbell shape. This (above) is a pretty extreme example, but you know what I mean. The genital region is no longer the center of interest, though sex characteristics are still obvious until old age sets in.

I forgot to say that after the hips and thighs begin to expand, the abdomen begins to stretch out (above). Within reason that's sexy, at least I think so.  Boy, nature desperately wants women to stay sexy, even in the 30 - 45 year old range. Maybe older. Nothing subtle here. When the blush of youth wears off, nature rolls up its sleeves and resorts to the hard sell, hawking a woman's sex potential with a bullhorn and billboards. Interesting, huh?  

Aren't you glad you read Theory Corner? What other art site is so doggoned scientific? 

BTW: I'm aware that dinosaurs and humans never existed at the same time.


  1. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Fascinating post. I certainly agree with your sentiment. My mom is exactly the type of woman you described in your post. A few years ago, she decided to have surgery and a liposuction to remove some fat from her waist and it left this big scar all over her. She was about in her late 30s and early 40s when she had the operation done. Seemed like a lot of trouble just to get rid of fat she could have easily exercised a off, and then a few years later, she got implants for her breasts, which seemed even more ridiculous to me, because I thought she didn't need that stuff. In my opinion, she was fine the way she was, but I think she wanted to look more beautiful and sexy at that "old" age. I always thought old age would have been somewhere in the late 60s and 70s. To me, even being 55 seems relatively young.

    There are even girls my age who keep thinking they're fat. I mean, some of them are a little chubby, but they're certainly not fat at all, and that brings us into an entirely different topic: insecurity in girls. I notice that all the girls that I've ever met who decide to act like snobs or be mean and vengeful always have a soft side to them (think Chuck Jones, except in a girl's body). There was even one that I've met who around her mother, made her voice sound high to seem like she was a young toddler. No, I'm not kidding. It's true. It would be wonderful if you could go into that topic sometime, Eddie.

  2. You definately have a point there, Eddie.

  3. its always the same, complain, complain, complain. when women are young they're not beautiful enough, when they're older, they're not young enough. people are all screwed up in the sexual arena because of all these mixed messages are being sent out about beauty and men get beautiful thin women, working class guys get homely thicker one follows their own natural instinct. if your a good looking guy and you like thick women-go for it! fat guy and you like skinny women-go for it! same for the women! dont let the media tell you who you are attracted to! i told a woman not long ago-the only six pack im bringing you is budweiser!

  4. Anonymous2:02 PM

    "Why can't older women women go with the flow and agree to accept sex appeal in exchange for beauty? "

    First place, "30-40" is "older" women? Really? Usually that descriptive means middle aged, which begins after 40 and goes on up to the 50s+.

    But to answer your question. there might be several reasons:
    -because not staying in shape, in particular around the midsection, is extremely unhealthy and raises the risks of cancer and heart disease no matter how "sexy" it may be to some men (or other women).

    -because they want to look a certain way for themselves OR because society in general-including other women, the media and kids-frowns on dumpy bodies-but they don't do it to appeal to men

    -and last and most importantly-because they didn't ask for the Theory Corner opinion and follow your tastes!

    (Actually as far as 40something women go there are a lot of very different older natural body types but the Theory Corner seems as specific in its ideal as R. Crumb is)

  5. "Beautiful", "sexy", call it what you like, I don't see a distinction - I think women just stay much more attractive much older than they think. If anything, if they want good when they're older they should take better care of themselves when they're younger, rather than wait for the results of their irresponsibility to catch up to them and them do intrusive, awkward things to become a fake version of themselves that shouldn't logically exist. Same with men. Except that most men don't care in the first place, so they'll never look good.

  6. Using a picture of Moe Howard as a "censored" bar - Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha! Brilliant!

    Back to your post - your post has gotten me fired up, so forgive my rant.

    I don't get it, either.

    I think that a lot of it has to do with the media images that are shoved in our faces - in order to be beautiful, women have to look young, be unnaturally thin, and have huge breasts. I see women within my age group (and older) getting surgery to look "hot and sexy", but in all honesty, most women who get major cosmetic surgery look artificial. Most women between 35-50 that I've seen on TV have had major work done, and it's so obvious. In most cases, it doesn't look "hot and sexy" - it looks "freaky and unnatural". What makes them look more like "mutton dressed as lamb" is many of these women starve themselves to maintain an unnaturally thin frame so they can still fit in clothes from the junior's department.

    I think we women need to look at different role models from the past and present for aging gracefully and beautifully.

    As a woman who's approaching her middle years, I feel like my best years are yet to come. I sure as hell wouldn't want to be 21 years old again. I had no idea what I wanted in my life, and I was so unsure of myself.

  7. Women in their 30's & 40's have usually figured out what they like, sexually & are generally more comfortable in their own skin. It has nothing to do with the skin being roomier. It's a psychological ripeness.

  8. Roberto: Female psychology is a fascinating subject. I have yet to see an entire book on the subject that I could recommend, but I keep looking.

    A lot of Jung's writings were about women, even though they don't make that claim. Most of Jung's patients were women.

    Jennifer: Interesting! Me, I wish I was 21 again, angst and all.

  9. "BTW: I'm aware that dinosaurs and humans never existed at the same time."
    Oh, a Darwinist, eh? Why, I oughta...

  10. Jennifer: Or maybe I don't wish I was 21. Maybe the late twenties would be better. By then you've shed the claustrophobic narrowness of youth culture and are aware of the wider world of adult life. You're also in a position to make serious money. What a change that brings!

  11. It makes me happy to know that Bebe Cooper (last pic) makes you go gaga as well, Eddie.
