Friday, November 12, 2010


I don't know why, but muzzles fascinate me. It's the first thing I look at when I regard a face. This girl (above) has a protruding muzzle. When that's combined with rounded shapes and full lips as it is here, the effect is one of warmth and friendliness.
For contrast, here's (above) a flat, linear face, also very friendly. Three elements dominate the face: a straight vertical nose, down turned eyes at the corners, and dimples that form a marionette's mouth. All these straight lines are set off by an unusually graceful curve of the jaw and a long neck. This is a very appealing face.

And did I mention the Klimt hair!? Wow!
Here's (above) an interesting face. Can you guess why? Sure, she has a high forehead and a reduced chin, but what else? Well, if you're a muzzle fan like I am, then you noticed that she has minimal cheeks and no dimples, not even the most common ones. I wish I knew how faces like this age. 

The glasses make a great statement.

Where did I get this picture? Somebody deserves credit for digging this up. No comments on this one; it's all too obvious.

BTW: Mark Simonson speculates that these are all guys: Mathew Broderick, Jimmey Kimmel, and Stephen Fry. Simon says the Boderick picture is really Brendon Frazier.

Art technique books are always saying that some people have square heads. If you ever doubted it, then regardez vous!

A fascinating face dominated by the rounded forehead, and big eyes which have prominent lids on both the top and the bottom. Note also the thin hair. I always imagine that thin-haired people are high-strung, but I might be wrong. 

Egad! It's Hermione's hair (above) from the Harry Potter movies! Is it real? That hair looked great on Emma...Emma whatshername from the movie, and everyone was heartbroken when she appeared without it. The two latest Potter movies even gave Hadgrid (spelled right?) a haircut.

What a find (above)! Once again though, I don't what blogger to thank. The muzzle here is minimal. Gee, minimal muzzles are more common than I thought! The small mouth makes for a terrific contrast with the over-the-top, sad, bored, wide eyes. The eyebrows are calligraphic. The hair is perfect.

Aaaargh! In a comment Stephen claims that this is an aristocratic playboy/actor and writer named Brian Howard.

Thank Goodness...a muzzle (above)! The facial features are all bunched up into a tight package which is surrounded by oceans of empty flesh. this a guy? Mike says it's Matt Lucas from "Little Britain."


  1. These are great! I think I remember that bottom face from TV. He's one half of a comedy team who (at least) got a pilot.

    That smile on top feels like there's too much tension across the upper lip. The gums are showing too which gives her expression a slightly snarly subtext, like her levator labii are giving her away.

  2. These faces are great! Also they're delightfully ugly.

  3. The last pic of the "little girl" is Matt Lucas from Little Britain.

  4. I feel the need to comment about the Faith Tones, but it's such a weird thing to say that I can't put it into words. What a finding!

  5. Anonymous6:45 AM

    I love these facial theory posts, Eddie. Keep 'em coming and flying! They remind me of how human faces come in such infinite varieties. A cartoonist's delight indeed.

  6. My research assistant, Ms. Google, reports that there are many references to The Faith Tones and "Jesus Use Me" on the internet. I see there is a web site titled "And Jesus Said Unto the Faith Tones: 'Aw Hell Naw!'"

  7. This is actually scarier than any of your Halloween posts.

  8. Where do you find those crazy pictures, Uncle Eddie?!?!

    Like the others have said - the last pic is Matt Lucas from Little Britain.

    The one from the 20s is really interesting - the woman looks like an old-school aristocrat with her facial features.

    About The Faith that a legit group? The one looks like Stephen Fry.

  9. I thought I saw Stephen Fry on the Faith Tones cover, too. I think that's Matthew Broderick on the left and Jimmy Kimmel in the middle.

  10. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Eddie, the last picture but one isn't a woman. It's the notorious aristocratic playboy and star of the 1920s' Bright Young Things, Brian Howard.

    He and his pal Harold Acton were the models for more well known writers like W H Auden, Christopher Isherwood and Evelyn Waugh. The picture you've put up is reproduced in an excellent book about that whole generation, 'Children of the Sun' by Martin Green.

  11. Eddie,

    Just wondering if you or John has seen this yet:

    Yeah, I'm betting that drawing is a forgery.

  12. Stephen, Lester, Luis:Good Grief! That sad girl, the second picture from the bottom, is actually Brian Howard...a guy!? A famous poet, yet!???? Man, what an age we live in. You never know what you're looking at!

    Mike, Jennifer, Pappy: Thanks for the info! I'll look up "Little Britain!"

    Mark: Unbelievable! I THOUGHT I saw those faces before, but then I thought I must be imagining it. Aaargh! Half my post is mislabled!

    Brubaker: I did see that! How can that guy sleep at night? If the critics are right, Cartoon Brew did a good deed by blowing the whistle.

  13. jesus use me ,,,classic Mathew Broderick face nope thats brendon fraizer...the mummy

  14. Simon: Brendon Frazier!!?? Yeah, it does kinda look like him...hmmmm...

  15. Any mention of Matt Lucas has to include this:

    Gets me laughing every time.

  16. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Last year I found a web blog post of photos with that one and sent to a friend -

    I wrote "Did you know Stephen Fry was actually in a Christian all girl group?" We laughed ourselves silly -- it's not him, of course, but there is a resemblence.

