Tuesday, January 04, 2011


I recently went with Mike to shop for chairs for his living room. Mike likes modern stuff, and we we ended up at some pretty weird places. If you thought this kind of furniture was replaced by something else, think again. There's a lot of it out there and it still sells!

Mike rejected furniture like this (above), but only because it didn't come in leather. 

Is there really gender specific furniture? I did see a couple of chairs with separate cushions for each buttock. 


50s modern is still out there. I wouldn't be surprised if you could get chairs like the ones above at Ikea. 

Maybe I was too hasty when I said that all modernism is still with us.  Box furniture like the example above is gone forever.  It used to be popular. You could even buy box beds. I guess people were so taken by their TVs that they wanted to live in them.  This style was ridiculed by later modernists who preferred to live in eggs.

Poor Mike couldn't get this (above) in leather either.

Thank God none of the stores had one of these (above). If they had, I'd have had to buy one, and my family would have moved out.

Ditto this chair (above). Some things must be acquired regardless of the consequences. 

I used to like chairs like this (above), but I didn't see them this time around. Can you still get them?


  1. haha!

    I want to get furniture shaped like food items myself.

  2. I do like the space invaders chair near the bottom. And really, how could your family resist the chance to sit in a giant human hand?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Now that you mention it, I may go out and find some 1950s modern furniture when I get my own house.

  5. For some reason I really like the idea of the box chair. Imagine whole houses built like giant boxes. All the furniture is like a building block set. Maybe all a house would need is one large single wall since all the furniture and rooms stack up on each other. Sure you would have to do a lot of climbing to get from one thing to another but that just keeps you in shape.

  6. We need Smokey Stover-inspired furniture. And Cliff Sterrett pillows, drapes, staircases, arches, carpets and linoleum...

    And, while we're at it, Wally Wood spacecraft, Milt Gross statues, Dr. Seuss wildlife and Krazy Kat textiles, pottery and plants.

  7. Mike: Absolutely!

    Allen: It exists! It's called "Habitat," and it's in Montreal. It was much liked when it was first built, but over the years a lot of flaws came to light.

  8. That space invaders couch is genuinely beautiful!

  9. How about this chair? Ideal for surfing the internet.


  10. smackmonkey1:59 AM

    Ah, so you like "danish modern". Well, no, you really can't get much that's like the chair in your last pic. Not new anyway and the L.A. prices for used stuff will shock you.

    There are a few companies still manufacturing true modern furniture (v.s. contemporary) by the great designers of decades gone by. Fritz Hansen, Artifort, and Carl Hansen & Son are european. Shipping can be a beeyotch. Knoll and Herman Miller are here in the states.

    I'm assuming Mike has a kidney to sell.

  11. Wow, that Space Invaders couch is absolutely amazing!

  12. Brubaker: Haw!

    Smack: Thanks! One of the Hansen chairs looks a bit like the chair I had in mind. I notice you have to work to find the prices.
