Monday, February 28, 2011


How about some faces to draw? I'll start with one (above) that I can't begin to describe. It's fascinating, but why? Maybe it's because the skin is so vivid and so....fleshy. I can't take my eyes off it. I've heard the skin described as an organ. It's more than a covering, it's alive. It gets rid of waste, regulates the water content, electrical properties and temperature of the body, sends out chemical messages that affect sex behavior, and provides all sorts of visual clues about the state of our's an amazing thing.

For most people the skin is just a graphic canvas on which sits more memorable things like the nose and mouth. For some people the skin is the memorable thing.  My guess is that this kind of skin wrinkles sooner than most, but it's also sexy and appealing.

Above, a rectangular face made to seem more so by rectangular glasses. The skin is just background.

Hepburn's high cheekbones (above), prominent chin, thin nose, conspicuous nostrils, and sunken cheeks created a unique look. 

 Here's (above) another fleshy face, this one dominated by smooth and elastic skin, and expressive mouth muscles.   

Here's (above) a blank face on which surface features are attached. The nose, eyes and mouth appear to be glued on. The dark hair accentuates the effect. She'd look better with light hair.

Aaaargh! My computer won't accept more pictures right now. I have more to say about fleshy faces. I'll save it for another time.


  1. I always forget that theres always bizzare looking people in a flood of boring face.

  2. I like this theory a lot. Explains why I've always found airbrushed and overly made-up faces so unsexy.

  3. Eddie, I know you're a fan of NFB's "Get a Job", so I'm wondering if you saw this:

    Brad Caslor directed/animated it. The narrator is Len Cariou. Released in 1978.

    "Canada Vignettes" was a series of VERY short films (less than 3 minutes) that NFB did for a while. Had a variety of filmmakers with different styles. Caslor did a couple other vignettes.

  4. Brubaker: Thanks for the link!!! That's Brad Calor's work!? Incredible. It's good, but Brad must have learned a lot between this and Get a Job. Aaaargh! I wish Brad was still doing cartoons!

  5. Hey Eddie, you are an amazing human being.
    I love the way how random your topics are. Each time I check your blog, your words puts a smile on my face. Thank you being there.

  6. Bora: Thanks! I've read that sites get more hits when they narrow their focus to just one subject, but I can't bring myself to do that.
