Friday, April 15, 2011


What will the future be like? Fortunately we have a pretty accurate idea based on sketches by artist Wally Wood. In matters of this sort Wood is never wrong.

That's a Wood prediction above. Men will develop giant brains and ride everywhere in jet-propelled wheelchairs. Robot girlfriends will replace real women. It has the ring of truth. Gads! How does Wood do it?

Inspired by Wood, I'll make a few predictions of my own: increasingly intelligent birds will disdain to make strenuous migrations the way their forerunners did. They'll take a plane (above) like everybody else. Actually, some of them do that now.

 Spiders will take up the whole suburban lifestyle, and won't be content to crawl up walls and eat bugs anymore. Probably they never liked bugs, but didn't know what else to eat. Future spiders will indulge in  hamburgers like the rest of us, and drive where ever they need to go.

About the time spiders stop crawling up walls, expect humans to take it up. New advances in body glue will enable us to take shortcuts never thought possible.

 Of course old people will take the same shortcuts, slowing down the wall traffic.

 We may as well be honest, and face up to the fact that not everything in the future will be rosy. Previously law-abiding citizens (above) will be tempted by the glitz of modern life.

Animals will become increasingly surly.

Some will be downright rude.

Fortunately when the world becomes too abrasive future man will have the solace of his gadget-filled home...that is, if he can find it.

I'll end with this little gem of a film about office work in the future. I suggest watching only the first 3 1/2 minutes.

BTW: Thanks to Mike Fontanelli for the terrific scans of Wood's futuristic illustrations for "Blobs."


  1. I'll prepare for a bizzare future.

  2. The BBC clip is classic! That technology has a real British aesthetic.

    Bosses were so embarrassed that they still needed secretaries to work the new gadgets, they started calling them "executive assistants".

  3. I'm glad to know about the animals, too. I thought it was just me.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Very cool theories! Makes me excited for the future!

    Scrawnycartoons: That actually makes sense! O_O

  6. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Nice predictions, Uncle Eddie. I'm still hoping that the future turns about to be like in "Duck Dodgers in the 24 1/2 Century" or in the original Jetsons. It would be a big disappointment if there are still no flying cars, affordable intergalactic space travel, or cartoony looking Martians with green dog sidekicks in my lifetime. Haha!

  7. The future is me commenting using my HTC Desire Android phone.

  8. Nick:

    The preceding message has been flagged as a product placement. Please contact moderator. A flat fee of $0.71 US is due.

  9. Hahaha - nice one!

    Seriously though:

    Buy an android phone.

    Buy one.


    Actually I'm not that much of a fan of them, it's hard enough to keep a healthy attention span with the modern day typewriter being the 'everything' machine (to borrow a phrase from the UK comedian David Mitchell), let alone the modern day telegram.
