Saturday, June 04, 2011


I almost forgot...Friday was graduation day for students all over the country! I don't know why I always get sentimental about that. Maybe it's because graduation is a powerful symbol of civilization and hope. Anyway, for the graduates out there...congratulations! You did it!!!

By way of a gift, here's my favorite youtube version of the traditional academic anthem, "Glaudeamus Igitor." I wish I knew the origin of this beautiful song. One internet source says it's from medieval Germany and was brought to its present form by Brahms.

The lyrics (above) are beautiful and heartrending. It's a song about death and the tragic shortness of life. It's also about youth and the great academics of the past.  It's both a drinking song and a serious meditation on life and the purpose of education. When students wanted to honor an esteemed professor they'd gather around him and sing this song.

1 comment:

  1. Sigh, I wish they used these songs at my graduations. Nothing but God Bless America for us.
