Monday, July 11, 2011


Thanks for all the comments concerning my computer problems. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who has them. I just finished a fix and it seems to work better now. I'm too tired to post but just so I don't appear to be's a doodle of me as Oliver Hardy. Whaddaya think?


  1. Hilarious caricature! Is this all just photoshop work?

  2. Needs more fattness in the cheeks.

  3. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Wonderful! I love it when you post your drawings up, even though your theories always bring a smile to my face whenever I read them. TCM had a nice 24 hour marathon of L+H two-reelers back in January.

    I have an important, but irrelevant question I need to ask you. Do you have any good advice on how to study for the SATs? I'm going to take them sometime this year and I have a study book that helped my sister a lot when she had to take them.

  4. Good to see your computer is back in shape, Ed! Love the Hardy impression, it's impeccable!

  5. Scrawney: Yeah, Photoshop. I was just trying out bulbous noses.

    Roberto: SATs? The books I used to know about are all obsolete now. The only advice I can offer is to get a good night's sleep the night before, and don't even think about them the day of the test.

    Getting a good night's sleep is hard when you're in a state of anxiety. Cramming the day before is fine, but don't take any caffein, even in soda, and don't do or eat anything that might keep you awake. Relax before bedtime with a really good DVD movie, something you haven't seen before. Don't under any circumstances take a sleeping pill. Have your clothes ready for the morning, have breakfast ready to go (something with meat in it), have gas in the car.

    On the day of the test do take caffein, but don't think about the test. While driving, listen to the radio or an ebook and really get into the what the people are saying.

    For the essay test...follow the standard compositional format. Let people know what point you're going to make in the first paragraph, and why it's important. Develop the argument in subsequent paragraphs, and summarize and restate in the end. Use paragraph hooks, avoid overly long paragraphs, keep the tense mostly consistent in the paragraph. To judge from your comments you know all this stuff already, probably better than I do.

  6. It looks more like a cross between Oliver Hardy and Mr. Magoo to me. Overall it looks cool though. That would look great on a birthday card or something.

    Also, Uncle Eddie, I'm curious as to what your reaction to this review of my comic would be.

  7. Anonymous9:00 AM

    The attitude is spot on Oliver Hardy but the physical resemblance is a mashup of Stan Laurel and Adolf Hitler, with a hint of Clifton Webb.
