Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Yeah, I know...these are the songs I put up every year at this time, and Mahalia Jackson's "O Holy Night" always tops the list. So shoot me...I love this stuff.

This (above) is done by the St. Thomas Children's Choir. Is that the same Church that we associate with Bach?

'Not the best version (above), I admit, but it's interesting to hear this piece sung more simply than it usually is. The title says the singer is Pavarotti, but is this really him?

My kids loved this Chipmunk song (above), and they played it over and over and over. It drove my wife nuts. One year she deliberately "lost" it, and the tearful kids made me go out into the freezing night to find another copy.

I just watched this (above) and it was buried under a clutter of annoying advertising. Sigh! What can we do? They've got us over a barrel. The video is too good to miss!


  1. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Yep. Bring out the Christmas music again. I've been doing it for the past few days with so with this program I downloaded called Spotify. Not trying to advertise here, but if you got like a Facebook account or something, you can download it for free and have access to an unlimited library of music all at your fingertips for no extra charge (they also have Premium and Unlimited versions you can try out for a 30 day free trial, which are even better because they have no ads at all and really cheap compared to other music services I've tried). No joke. Way less ads than YouTube or Pandora, and the Bob Dylan video probably has a lot of ads because it's one of the Vevo videos (yuck).


    Strangely couldn't find that last Bob Dylan song on there to see if you could listen to it without the annoying clutter, but literally everything I can think of from Bing Crosby to Foster the People, LMFAO, Lady Gaga, and all the hip musicians are on there all for free. It's not LimeWire either.

  2. http://joelbrinkerhoff.blogspot.com/2011/12/merry-christmas.html

  3. Bob's people went on a huge campaign to remove all his videos that were posted by fans, and only left the few ones on Vevo...with all the horrid ads.
    I think it must have done Bob a hue disservice, since I have introduced many people to his music specifically through youtube. Lots of those people are now his fans. But now they can't see most of his stuff. Big pity.

  4. A nice assortment as usual Eddie! I'm putting together a small playlist of songs to play on Christmas day when the relatives come over.

    Also here's something for you, I drew you as a mall-santa: http://bit.ly/rq2pNH Merry Christmas!

  5. Joshua: Haw! Thanks for the caricature! I should be a mall Santa and dress exactly like that.

    Joel: Nice card! Happy Holidays!

    Roberto: Thanks much for the Spotify info. I hesitate to get on facebook because I'm afraid I'd obsess over it. It would be like having a second blog, when I barely have time to keep one going.

    Even so, I'll look into it. It sure would be nice to have free music.

    Martinus: I saw the ads on the Vevo version and freaked out, but someone reposted the video on YouTube, and that looks pretty good. I used the YouTube version here.
