Thursday, February 09, 2012


While I'm on the subject of little girls (see the previous post), don't you hate kids who stare at you in restaurants and trains? The last time that happened to me I got the idea of taking out a piece of paper and quick sketching a little wordless story for the kid, where I show him every drawing as I draw it. The story would be me beating the kid up for staring.

I didn't do it, but I made a note to try it one of these days. Yeeesh! Suppose the kid grabs the drawing and shows it to his dad?


  1. Great drawing!! Reminds me of Milt Gross' work. I could see this in the back of an old-time newspaper.

    Whenever I notice a kid staring at me, I inspect my watch or pretend to be very interested in reading a sign.

  2. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Yay! I love these new drawings. Just as cartoony and energized as ever. I draw a lot like this too when I have vibrant ideas in my head. Now I know where David Gemmill gets it from.

    That's perfectly fine if you had just spot read the book. I'm very busy reading Crash Proof and Free Fall, two economics books which discuss the causes of the crash of 2008 and the government's inefficient reaction to it. Highly recommend both if you want to learn more about fiscal conservatism and compelling arguments about why Keynesian doesn't work anymore, and has only lead our country to more socialism and debt. Want to read Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations afterwards.

  3. Roberto: Wow! Let me know if either of those economics books turn out to be especially good.

    I've only spot read in Wealth of Nations. The version I read part of had the 5th chapter which is usually missing, even in editions that claim to be complete. That's the chapter where he outlines his ideas for improving education. I thought...and still think...that it was the best thinking on the subject that I ever read. if you can't find it I'll tell you what I remember of it.

    Maybe it's always deleted because it's a digression from the arguments in the surrounding chapters.

  4. OOOhhhhh, Eddie you don't upload enough drawings, you're a great cartoonist!

    Usually when I see a kid staring at me, I make funny faces. It gives me an opportunity to be silly to a stranger, they usually think it's funny.

  5. Oh, if you could really do that to obnoxious kids without getting arrested.. :)
