Saturday, March 31, 2012


Let me try a Tex Avery gag here. We see a pair of beautiful legs...what a pair of gams!!!...and to the tune of sultry saxophone music we slowly pan up.

At the end of the pan we smash truck in on the face and armpit (above), and what we see.....what we see is....well....not what we were expecting! 

Actually the girl isn't bad looking. I'll bet the photographer gave her the geek glasses and posed her this way for a joke. Anyway, she'd be fun to draw, and fun to draw faces are what this post is all about. 

Of course, the ultimate female face to draw (above) was that of Gloria Swanson in "Sunset Blvd."

Wow! Don't mess with this (above) kid! Note how the nose deforms when she grimaces. The middle section flattens and broadens into a heart shape. Look at the fork wrinkles that seem to come out of the eyes and spread around the nose. 

Look at this girl (above)!  The whole bottom half of her face slants inward. I wish I could see this pose on a profile.

Here's (above) the young Maurice Chevalier. People who''ve never seen Chevalier before will probably go nuts trying to figure out what this expression means. 

I;m beginning to realize that if you want to photograph girls, then you better have a basket full of of different kinds of glasses handy. They really do define a subject. 



  2. aaand... BOOM! done!
    Have a gander at THESE mugs over here:

    And I was making dinner, too!

    Anyway, if you like my challenge victory, I was hoping you'd have a look and make some noise about my NINJAS comedy-movie funding! You can find the details here:
    And in fact, I would urge you to take a swipe yourself at our actors. Not only do they have terrifficly fascinating faces to draw (check the imgur link's bottom!) they also have an amazing talent for comedic expressions, as you can see by the images on the indiegogo page, and hopefully as you'll see in the final film, coming soon!

    Thanks, hope you find my shameless plug charming enough, 'cause it sure as hell genuine. Thanks uncle eddie!
