Friday, September 07, 2012


And talking about vacations: have you seen the new Twizzlers commercial? Isn't that girl chorus in the background great? I wanted to hear the whole song so I looked it up on the net and this (below) is what I came up with......'s the title music to the Chevy Chase film, "Vacation." It's by Lindsey Buckingham. Wow! The perfect song for a vacation movie!

Oh, man!!!! I hear this music and I want to put my family into a convertible and head out to the Coast Highway. Americans are soooo good at this kind of music!

See you on Tuesday morning!!!!!!!!!


BTW: I could have sworn that I'd heard that opening instrumental before, then it came to was exactly the same as the start of the Boogie song in "Billy Elliott". It turns out I was wrong, but since I went the trouble of looking it up, and since we have some dance fans here, here's a link to the YouTube video:


  1. Where are you going for vacation? Hawaii? Florida? In any case, have a safe trip and great song too!

  2. Anonymous2:49 AM

    Cool video, Have fun ! It's most "one bourbon one scotch one beer" in my case!

  3. Good luck to you and yours! May the Oregon Trail be merciful

  4. Roberto, GB, joshua: Thanks for the kind words! I'm not on a real vacation, i just had a few days when i knew I wouldn't have time to post.

  5. Anonymous9:28 AM

    This comment is not related to the tpic at hand but i would like to say something. Mike fontanelli is an idiot who beleives adults who read comics are immature but that its ok for him to like cartoons and collect toys. In summation he sucks!

  6. Anonymous9:28 AM

