Sunday, March 03, 2013


Man, that Aaron Philby is one heck of a caricaturist! I would have thought Koreans would be hard to draw, they're another culture after all, but he makes it look like a lot of fun. 

 I could swear I've seen this couple (above) here in America!

Haw! The girl's body appears to be hidden in the crevices of her boyfriend's face. 

A head like a telephone (above).....very nice!

The subject (above) has immense appeal, and is perfectly set off by those flat, cardboard-type buildings and overcast sky.

At first glance it looks like the boy, ignoring the wind storm that's raging around him, is biting his girlfriend's peanut-shaped head. 

Holy Cow! This guy (above) has teeth like mine! I like the discreet little patch of stubble under the nose, and the heart that's been squeezed out of their union.

This guy (above) is one of those lucky people who are born cool. His girlfriend looks soooooo happy about it.

Couples (above) should always have interlocking heads. It's a symbol of their romance.

That's it for now, but for those who are curious to see more work by Aaron Philby, the man resides here: 


  1. I can already envision a cartoon where Aaron Philby's Korean characters are being utilized to the max. It would sort of be like anime, but fully animated, more realistic in terms of funny observations and best of all, cartoony without being overtly "offensive" to the politically correct feminists. I have a lot of ideas of how I would try to bring these characters to life and even incorporating some John Hubley UPA influence in the animation.

    I want to see what Aaron Philby can do with other minorities like Blacks and Hispanics. You can make African Americans look caricatured without resorting to blackface to do it.

  2. Aaron's work is amazing.

  3. Fresh! Thanks, this guy's very inspiring. I would love to animate characters like these, in fact I just might do that!

  4. Hey what's that logo in the corner some of the pictures? I looks like Disney but says Lotte World or something. Is this a Disney park or a knock off like this park in China?

  5. Aaron lives and works in Korea and just got married to a lovely Korean artist...Lotte World is in Seoul, I think...

  6. John A11:24 AM

    This is beautiful work I feel like I know all of these people

  7. Wow. Great post, Eddie. Thank you! Joel, Lotte World is in Seoul and its a creepy Disney rip off. Roberto, let's make it happen, Baby!

  8. Hey Eddie. Are you familiar with Nate Kapnicky's caricatures. If not, I recommend you check his work. I think you'll dig it.

  9. Aaron: Woooowww!!!!! Nate is great! Many thanks for the tip!
