Sunday, August 11, 2013


(I'm still on vacation but I can't resist putting up just one post)

Jobs are getting hard to find but one business seems to be thriving: I refer to the cat hotel business. If you're willing to put up say, a dozen guest cats in your home, you can make what a beginning engineer makes. No kidding.

Of course it helps if you have a nice house and look like Aunt Bea. People like to think their cats are taken care of by a loving granny.

 A friend recently had to board his cat in a cat hotel for a few days. He didn't mind the expense because he thought the owner earned every penny. Taking care of cats isn't easy.

The hotel had automated litter boxes.

I'm surprised that cats use them. I mean, cats are usually so fussy.

Amazingly, the cats get along with each other. The older cats just lie on their backs all day and the kittens do nothing but play.

The hotel had a whole room full of cat trees. I wonder if they were as nice as the ones above.

Probably not. Most cat trees are weird modern art objects covered in rug.

I'd like to be around when people of the future dig up these things and try to figure out what they were for.

I imagine there's even more money to be made in the dog hotel business, but those would be hard dollars to make. Some dogs are aggressive...some are even psychos. Yikes!


  1. Oooh, cat hotels! I've always wanted to see what they looked like inside. Makes me jealous of the cats, because it looks so fun in there, and I'm not a cat! Haha, I'm so weird.

    Hope you're having a safe vacation, Ed. Miss ya!

  2. How about doing an article on Cat Houses? Sorry...I had to go there...

  3. Only took me two days to realize you had something up. I really miss this blog and I hope you're having a wonderful vacation.

    I've never owned a cat before, but those cat hotels look awfully inviting. Same with dog hotels if there are any.

  4. Hey eddie, have been thinking about our discussion the other day between drama and melodrama, and when and how to effectively use melodrama.

    I thought that this post for writers was insightful, and a good stepping stone for myself. Look forward to more discussions about using over-the-top story elements effectively.

    -Alex (Printz)

  5. Sara: LOTS of people envy their pets. I think I'll do a follow-up post on that. Thanks for the idea!

    Joel, Roberto: Thanks!

    Alex: Thanks for the link. It's nice to see melodrama taken seriously, even if I disagree with some of the conclusions.

    In spite of her good intentions the author still thinks of melodrama as a villain in a top hat tying a girl to railroad tracks...and it's so much more than that.

    I like melodrama because it deals with the really important issues in life, and does it in a way that's entertaining.

    So much of the best literature is melodrama. Les Miserables was melodrama. So was The Three Musketeers and the Sherlock Holmes stories.

    The Three Musketeers is melodrama, but it's also a terrific meditation on friendship and what it means to be dedicated to an ideal. The Sherlock Holmes stories are melodramas but they're also about focusing in on your craft to the point where you screen out everything else.

    Even The Iliad was a melodrama. Homer posits that great men like Achilles actually chose to be imbalanced. Achilles was impractical outside of his expertise and he never learned the social graces. That's because he devoted the whole of himself to his task, and not just half like the rest of us. Homer believed that such an imbalanced figure was innately tragic and would always come to a bad end. He also believed that the best men accept this burden.

    Was Homer right? Was Dumas or Conan-Doyle? I don't know. I only bring up the subject to illustrate the point that melodrama deals with some very heavy issues and doesn't deserve its reputation as light-weight entertainment.

    Melodrama also lends itself to comedy, which is one of the reasons I like it.

  6. Found your video page on youtube and had to stop by here! I haven't started a blog on this site yet, but I do have a wiki page.

    I'm an online writer (the conventional publishing route has too many hoops to jump through and I am not a circus lion). This way, I say what I like and that's that. Hmmm.
    I have cats in pictures, but not at home. My work schedule doesn't allow it. Hope your vacation is going well.
