Tuesday, October 29, 2013


I like this idea (above) of underlit faces that get larger as they emerge from the cauldron. This idea might work as a porch decoration with paper bag heads.

Yikes! An evil marionette (above)!

Here's an example of the embossed cardboard decorations that used to be everywhere at Halloween time. I wonder if the net has any articles about the German company that used to make them.

Lots of people have a bench outside their front door. Benches just cry out for big sitting paper puppets.

Above, more paper puppet ideas.

Aaaargh! Here's (above) another vintage cardboard decoration. These sold cheap, believe it or not. Kids used to buy them. I like the idea of inexpensive, imaginative things of quality that kids can afford to buy with their own money.

Above, more porch decoration ideas.

Wow! Nice costumes!


Haw! Halloween stores should sell posters like the one above. You could leave them up all year.

I love the masks that kids make. Instead of a Kool-Aid stand kids should open up lawn stores at Halloween to sell masks that they make.  I'd buy them, wouldn't you?


  1. the kiddie masks remind me of Hopi Kachinas. probably the strong graphics and primary colors...

  2. Excellent post! I like this...Thanks for sharing!
