Sunday, December 29, 2013


So how did you fare this Christmas? 'Get all your shopping done?

I used to dread Christmas shopping, but having a camera changed my mind. Crowds are fun to photograph. Unfortunately I can't post my own crowd pictures because they include members of my family, but these pictures I got off the net make the point nicely.

I had a terrific Christmas with all my kids and their significant others present. One of our dinner guests was a special agent with the FBI. We regaled her with questions about the Bureau, one of which was, "What's a special agent? Are some poor, forlorn agents designated as unspecial, disappointingly average agents?" No, it turns out that all agents are called special.

BTW, take a look at that old "FBI 10 Most Wanted" list above. Why don't newspapers carry that list anymore? Surely readers would like to see it. A more exciting reporting of crime would give papers a needed circulation boost.

My kids played a lot of video games while they were here, most of them from an internet game repository called Steam. Their favorite game was "The Stanley Parable (above)."

They were also partial to "Prison Architect. (above)."

I got lots of presents. Here's one of them (above). Can you figure out what it is? A microphone you say? Nope. It's a wine stopper! It's part of a kit that includes a wine thermometer.

Here's elephant-size box of chocolates (above).

And still another....a reprint of a century old-book by Buffalo Bill Cody. It's a great read. I recommend it!

One of the things I gave my wife was a nifty microphone with a USB connector. BIG Mistake! She was certain that I got it for myself, which isn't true, but I confess to hoping that she would lend it to me sometimes. Geez, now I have to make it up to her somehow.

The church service on Christmas Eve was simple but surprisingly moving. The sermon reminded me of Linus's speech in the first Charlie Brown TV special (above).


  1. I got two great books this year, Stephen Kings followup to 'The Shining' which I can't wait to start on, and Jim Hensons biography which is charming so far and got me watching his Sam and Friends shorts and Wilkins Coffee commercials again. What a genius!

    I've also been struck by the urge to uncover my old Dr. Seuss books simply by seeing this excellent illustration from The Grinch book.

    Of course, I won't be reading on New Years Eve. Have a good one, Eddie!

  2. I took advantage of some of the deals Amazon had on their website and bought a couple of boxsets for myself including a Laurel and Hardy and Three Stooges collection. They still have some end of the year deals right now so I'm gonna see what else I can get so I can rebuild my DVD collection if I can't find some of the other DVDs that I owned, like the Popeye, and Woody Woodpecker sets. I'm sure all that stuff is still here but maybe buried under a pile of junk after I moved into the apartment with my parents.

    It was with this Christmas money that my father gave me. I also got a new coat for Christmas from my sister. I'm also moving into a dorm next semester so I won't be living at home for much of the time. My life is becoming a lot better and despite having to take a year off, I did very excellently this semester with the As that I got and that one B minus.

  3. Speaking of books, do you own a Kindle device? I've been having trouble getting the books I've bought to open properly on the Kindle for PC app and I currently don't own a Kindle right now.

    That's one of the things I wish I had bought this year to see if any of the books I have would be able to open via the device. I really wanted to read Thom Hartmann's Crash of 2016 and David Graeber's Debt: The First 5000 Years, which I have as a PDF.

    As you can tell, my interest in economics and financial history has been reinvigorated lately and I'm hoping to major in accounting eventually while not giving up on my interest in trying to get into the animation industry. It's just that I needed some kind of way I can sustain myself in case the latter doesn't work out and maybe I wouldn't have made as much of an impact as I had anticipated.

  4. I'm from an interfaith household, so I made out twice for Chanukah and Christmas in the prezzies department. My mother is an artist, and for my 8 days of presents, I got a piece of framed artwork sketched by her! She did abstracts in ink and in oil crayon. I'll have to take pictures and post them on my Facebook so people can see them. The artwork was probably my favorite presents.

    I'm also in the process of taking a "gap 6-months" and move to Florida. I've been wanting to get out of technology for awhile, and I've been focusing on my jewelry business and writings. I'm taking the 6 months to work on my other interests to see what pans out.

    Unfortunately, this holiday was bittersweet for me. My father is critically ill, and he's on the list for a transplant. If he doesn't get a transplant, then it is more than likely that this was the last holiday with my dad. As long as he's breathing there's still a chance....

  5. Joshua: A nice drawing by Dr. Seuss! His brush work is delicate and elegant. Have a good New Year!

    Roberto: I have the Stooges collection but not the Laurel and Hardy set. I'd be interested in having all their, not their underwear, I mean the short films.

    I'm glad you're taking so well to school. Economics is a great subject and so is accounting. There's a long-out-of-print book out there called "The Romance of Accounting (or maybe it's 'Book Keeping')." I only spot read in it, but it convinced me that the title was justified.

    I don't have a Kindle. I just got an Ipad and I'm hoping to read books on that.

    Jennifer: I'm really sorry to hear about your Dad. A move to Florida sounds like a big step, but maybe it'll re-invigerate you.

  6. Unca Eddie, here is my Christmas compendium (with a Stephen King reference, even!).

    A blessed new year to you and yours!

  7. Was a quiet Xmas for me and family. I upgrade computers and animation software to attempt some new stuff in 2014, but as JK pointed out, the new software's getting ridiculously complex.

    In any event, Happy New Year to you Eddie, and hope you have opportunities to work on new and exciting projects (possibly a new JK series, assuming a network or distributor gets off its tail and greenlights it!)

  8. I had to spend my Christmas Day traveling back home (we had to go out of town because of a family emergency), but it was alright. I got some drawing stuff pretty much. I'm glad you had a good christmas =)
