Saturday, October 18, 2014


Above, a nerd zombie. Nerds can be zombies too.

Above, another brilliant Don Heck cover. That guy was a national treasure!

Above, a reprise showing one of my all-time favorite masks. I've had it for years and it hasn't degraded much. I supplied the cardboard eyes.

Aaaaargh! I want! I want! I'd love to have this hotdog couple on my porch this Halloween!

Above, me as a mad scientist. I liked this photo so much that I gave it a permanent place on the Theory Corner left sidebar.

Wow! Whoever shot this deserves an award of some sort. The bag design, the color, the's a perfectly realized picture.

Above...I have no idea what this drawing (woodcut?) was made for. Maybe a production of Hamlet showing the scene where Hamlet's father was murdered?  My guess is that it was created to publicize a traveling 19th Century stage show. Text would be added as needed.

Yikes! Why do people take chances like this (above)? 

Boris Karloff, of course.
A simplified version of something like this (above) might make an interesting Halloween bookshelf decoration. You could design it so it does double duty at Christmas. I wonder who did this.


  1. The photo of you as the mad scientist is one of my favourites!

    I collaborated with a girl in my animation class to create this piece based on it; DERANGED SCIENTIST. I did the drawing of you as the scientist from memory which is why it's not as exaggerated as the original.

    I even got it printed onto canvas; SCIENTIST ON CANVAS. Though it'd be ideal if the canvas hadn't cropped the Strickfaden laboratory equipment.

    I also got this canvas-print of my mad sheep scientist made; EVIL SHEEP

    Men of science who are out of their minds are great subjects!

  2. Joshua: Hawhawhaw! I'm so flattered! I've never been on canvas before.
