Thursday, September 24, 2015


 Where did Halloween come from?  According to Halloween sites on the net, the version that Americans and Canadians celebrate is influenced largely by Celtic traditions, especially those from Ireland and Scotland, and from the North European tradition of Walpurgis, which is celebrated on the last day of April.

Germans who live near the Harz Mountins celebrate the holiday by making a trek up to the "Brocken," a mountain (above) reputed to be a favorite meeting place of witches.

Those who don't want to hike can take a train.

Lots of girls come dressed as witches.

Come nightfall big bonfires are lit and, I assume, alcohol is consumed in vast quantities.

Somewhere in Germany is Walpurgis Castle (above). I have no idea what goes on there.

Boy, there's no lack of Walpurgis artwork on the internet!

Is this (above) a depiction of Walpugis? I can't tell.

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