Wednesday, November 25, 2015


'Only two drawings this time, but they're both heavy hitters.

How do you like this early one (above) by John K? It's so wonderfully ignorant, so delightfully, class clown. It reminds me of why I got into the cartoon industry in the first place. When you draw every day for a living it's so easy to get diverted into the refinement of technique. You need to see something like this to be reminded that what we do is all about getting a laugh.

This one (above) is by my daughter. Apologies if I posted it before. I can't remember. Anyway, that's me sipping a soda at Carl Jr.'s. Boy, it's so streamlined, so stripped down to essentials. Here a man with weird hair and a massive bull moose of a face, puckers his lips to drink daintily from a needle-thin straw. How did she come up with that?

For comparison, a few days ago I took this picture (above).


  1. Wow, that drawing of your daughter's is just the cutest! The intense monobrow and the dainty lips are just too funny. It makes me wonder, do you really like soda that you should drink it so intensely?

  2. Mr.T: Haw! I don't remember drinking that soda with more than usual passion. If my kid added it then that's the caricaturist's perogative.

  3. Rodolfo7:29 PM

    Your daughter nailed it!
    How old was she?

  4. I love love love love the drawings posts! And yes, these two are byoots! I love the detail of the lips being pulled to the side of the face. I agree with enjoying these drawings in the raw. Like delicious street food. As opposed to super refined fine dining!

  5. Also, this is the second time I have noticed this style of ear on a John K. drawing. I really like it. The details of ear anatomy are pretty complex, and he has designed it in a simple, beautiful way.

  6. Rodolfo: How old? Geez, I'll have to ask her. I wish I'd dated these things.

    Nodnar: That is an interesting ear! I also like the bell bottom pants that are too short.
