Sunday, January 31, 2016


 Soon I'll relocate to the farm belt and have the task of decorating the walls of my new house. For that I'll need pictures. I'm considering a big print of Basquiat's "Boy and His Dog" (above).

Also Gary Panter's "Elvis Zombie"...if there are prints of this. Are there?

Or Panter's "O Babaca."

Here's (above) a wall-worthy picture by Tim Burton.

I'd also like to put up caricatures of friends. I already have all the pictures I'll need...except for one. Maybe Mike will let me copy this one (above) that John, Marlo and Kali did of him.

I picture all these works of art in a living room a little like the set for "PeeWee's Playhouse (above)." Nice, huh?

Unfortunately my wife has decorating ideas of her own (gro-o-o-oan!). I swear, men and women are two different species.

She wants a dog, too.

We got along great with our last dogs. They really liked my wife and I. The problem is, they didn't like anyone else.

Even little dogs can be pretty feisty around strangers.

I told this to my wife, and she said what am I talking about...our dogs absolutely loved strangers! Hmmmmm.


  1. I thought you might appreciate these clever stairs that incorporate a wheelchair ramp!

  2. Anonymous9:17 PM

    you've gone and done it, now. Blogger has put up a warning at your site - I understand this place contains adult content. I will or will not proceed at my own risk.

  3. Anon: Yikes! Blogger didn't do that, I did. I accidentally triggered that by choosing a setting that was badly worded. If it had said in plain English: "This will activate an adult content warning" I never would have clicked it. When I realized my mistake I tried to correct it but couldn't find the correct menu again. I'll look again.

  4. Hillary: I can answer all the questions about old newspaper strips here, in the comments page. Just write the comment under whatever the current post is.
