Thursday, December 29, 2016


Now that Christmas is over my thoughts turn once again to what kind of house I can expect to live in when I move out of L.A. (Sigh!) I'll miss the California ranch style (above).

If I end up with a small house maybe I can convert it into something nice. I like the simple, open-plan living room, above. The blue sofa makes a nice contrast with the varnished wood.

Here's (above) a light and airy living room furnished by Ikea. The curtains unexpectedly turn out to be a potent unifying element.

I like wide living rooms with low ceilings. This room (above) is by Frank Lloyd Wright. 

In California you hear of people converting outdoor pre-fab tool sheds into tiny offices. It would be a place to get work done if the house were too noisy. I wonder what the zoning laws say about this.

Here's (above) another outdoor office. Gee, all that glass would make it hard to heat. It looks great, though.

Wow! I love the way this dark, woody bedroom looks! It would be like sleeping in a cabin in the Klondike.

This unusually dark room raises a question: would it be wise to allow each bedroom to have its own unique look and feel? Would a house with wildly different rooms be a platypus?


  1. welcome to our platypus house... enter through the bill (which opens like a drawbridge), then here is the stomach, through there the lungs, then the bowels in the basement... and we can go upstairs to visit the cranium (the view from here is spectacular.)

    Hmm, might have problems colour-scheming that to avoid terminal depression.

  2. Would you ever think about doing a Ren & Stimpy fan revival? I have a friend who knows John K., Jim Smith, and Rich Pursel, and I know Vince Waller, pretty much trying to get some of the ol' spumco guys on our revival, would u wanna join?

  3. invisibules: Haw!

    Jonas: That would be great!!!! I can't be an active member at the moment because preparing for a move takes all my time, but it's a worthy project.
