Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Just a little bit of eye candy while I try to figure out how Blogger works

How do you put text inbetween pictures? It looks like I just did it but I don't know how I did it. And how do you change the order of pictures? I tried cutting and pasting and clicking and dragging but nothing worked. Grrrrrr!Both of these pictures of me were drawn by John K...well, sort of. The color picture, which is gigantic in the original, is my redrawing of a tiny black and white caricature that John did of me. The inscription sounds like I'm taking credit for it but John wrote that on the original so I dutifully inscribed it. I kinda like it, even with the misspelling. It's as if the subject of the picture was giving a gift to his own psyche. I'll bet psyches don't get many gifts!


  1. Anonymous2:18 PM

    HAH! first comment! cool pics :)

  2. Both are great, haha! You look ugly as hell, but it's my belief that caricatures must not try to make people better than they really are, only worse, as in here.
    Don't worry, Ed, you'll figure that stuff out. Try inserting all the pictures first and then typing in the text, maybe that'll help!

  3. i enjoy these eddie drawings. all these bitches always ask me why i draw myself on my blogger all the time. because they are bitches. lets kill them now

  4. caricatures are rarely funny without insulting. but what do i know

  5. i have a theory about why a lot of really obese people have really small pug noses. i'll tell you sometime

  6. Awesome stuff, Ed Fitz! I always draw myself ugly too.. it's just funny! I'm afraid of insulting people with drawings of them.

  7. Let's hear it, Marlo! Put it on that fantastic blog of yers.

  8. That bottom caricature mkaes you look like Commander McBragg from The Dudley Do-Right Show.

    And don't worry about learning the tricks to Blogger. I'm still learning myself. I for one find it a hassel just making PARAGRAPHS on these things.

  9. Hi Marlo,

    OK, I'll try to figure it out. Obese people have pug noses because...mmm,...because,...don't tell me now!,...mmm, because the lower part of their faces have such weight that it pulls the back side of the nose down causing the front to point up! Hah! I figured it out!


  10. Gabriel, thanks for the tip!


  11. okay Eddie, here's why i think fat people have little noses:

    It's a fact that fat stores estrogen. (which is why underweight women can't reproduce)

    noone knows why fat stores estrogen except that it might have something to do with why women gain extra weight with pregnancy.

    Your face and nose change into "Adult" features with puberty. my MARLO THEORY is that obese (men especially) people have so much estrogen in their body at the time of puberty that when they develop their adult face, their noses dont develop into big MAN noses becasue thier bodies kinda think they are female. therefore softening it's features, and why so many giant obese guys have tiny pug noses.

    i should make diagrams.

    what do you think, eddie?

  12. MY THeoRY IS TRUE, and here's an example

    I saw this special on the discovery channel:
    there was a circumsition accident which chopped off the whole penis

    so they decided to raise him as a girl and gave him hormones all his life and his face became SOOOO feminine


    his identical twin
    had a HUGE nose

    Of course you could argue, some peoples noses look huge when they cut their hair short, or the rest of thier face is so large that the nose looks small in comparison

    but consider my theory anyway

  13. Anonymous6:36 PM

    >>I saw this special on the discovery channel:
    there was a circumsition accident which chopped off the whole penis


    These are some of the very few caricatures I've seen of Eddie. One was on Tiny Tunes as Plucky's dad, one on The Simpsons, as an Itch & Scratchy animator, and on Pinky & The Brain. As... some minor chracter or something...

  14. Gawd, Marlo! I agree with Jorge. No guy could read that without wincing!

    Hmmm! Let me think about this.....


  15. Hi Eddie - Welcome to the blog world. I can't wait to see what else you have to publish.

    Those characatures are fab - although I'm not too sure that the second one looks like you.

    Once you post a sound clip of your laugh, I would be a happy girl.

  16. http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a79/poopyheadmarlo/scfsdfsdf.jpg

    i drew this one too but it's crappy

  17. That one's not in the least crappy, Marlo. You've got the slope of the shoulders just right and gee, the entire thing says great evening out among pals. You lot really bonded over the pizza pies and pens, didn't you? You amaze me.
    (and if I looked like either you or Eddie I'd draw myself on my blog all the time too-what the f!)

    Now, for the Main Event: Eddie! Finally a blog to call your very own! See how the teeming masses come and lay daisies at your feet! Don't say you don't love it. I sure do.
    Only caveat: there's only one "K" in "Kovacs".

    Really, though--'tis beautiful, and I can't wait to feast on theorems of fun & spittle! ~Jenny

    p.s. do drop by my blog sometime--the one with the writing on it. ; )

  18. I only posted one caricature of myself on my blog. It was in this post here.

    Eddie, do you have any theories about self-caricature? If so, this would be the place to share them.

  19. "Tales of Worm Paranoia" was the best animated short of the past decade!

  20. I'm going right out first thing in the morning to get a nose implant.

    See ya

  21. To quote Oliver Twist, "Please sir, may we have a theory?"

    Yours truly


  22. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Hi Eddie at last your own blog hehe
    heres a welcome present for u i made , sorry i took some liberties and did it out of memory hehe hope u like it !!

    heres the link http://www.deviantart.com/view/33740593/

  23. Blogger isn't that hard to use. Once you get used to it, you'll want to post some stuff every hour!

    So...I thought I ask you...how come animation is done in Korea these days? It's kind of inconvinent to animation directors when they can't supervise directly to animators how they should animate that.

    Charles Brubaker

  24. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Hey eddie! Nice Blog man!
    Here's a theory jerker for ya!
    What's your theory on how people (like yourself) get buck teeth?


  25. Drew: Wow! The story of buck teeth! I think I'll write it up and post it. Thanks for the idea!


  26. These drawings are eye candy in the same way that the closeup of the Ranger's face in "Boo Boo And The Man" is eye candy. That particular image makes great computer wallpaper.

  27. Anonymous3:25 PM


  28. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Fat people have little noses because the nose is mostly cartilage that doesn't gain weight like the face. ie- Face gets bigger with fat but the nose stays the same. I on the otherhand have a big nose on a skinney face.
