Monday, November 20, 2006


I feel silly posting these doodles. I'm only doing it because Katz, Ryan and others wanted to see some drawings and all my current stuff is related to what I do at work. I turn out tons (OK, ounces) of this stuff every day. The style of the show doesn't look like this but this is the style I use when I'm exploring ideas and poses. It's sort of my stick figure style.


  1. Anonymous12:23 AM

    wish my stick figure doodles had structure like that

  2. Anonymous3:14 AM

    what do you think of richard williams?

  3. Anonymous6:18 AM

    you draw very expressive hands.

  4. I really like these! I like the rawness of them, yet there is some structure in the "stick figures". Anonymous the third is right - you do draw expressive hands, and you also draw facial expressions very well.

  5. Anonymous8:00 AM

    just look up eddie fitzgerald on imdb

  6. Anonymous: IMDB isn't very reliable. It leaves out a lot of things I did and attributes things to me that I never did.

  7. Anonymous9:04 AM

    you didnt direct citizen kane then?

  8. Anonymous9:55 AM

    IMDB has a habit of culling individual production history data from onscreen credits, which are often shared gang credits (where, for example, all of the people who may have done one or two storyboards during an entire season of shows get grouped together on the end title of every episode of a given series) which then get used as authoritative sources. The nauseating thing about such lists is that IMDB got purchased by Amazon a few years back and before one knows it, corporate America has endorsed yet another massive lie and some very rich assholes get even richer off of the misuse of Eddie's name. Let's go to their estates right now, we'll show 'em!

  9. Anonymous10:05 AM

    was John K he inspiration for the animator who spoke to springfield elementary on the simpsons?

  10. Eddie, what ARE you working on currently? Sorry if this has been answered already.

  11. HORAYYYYYYYY EDDIE DRAWINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i've been wanting some of these too, i love your quick doodle style. i think you should post a reallly super quick doodle along with some theories, they are really fun.

  12. I love your doodling style, I save all of them on my computer. Your drawings inspire the hell out of me. Everytime you post a drawing I feel a sense of amazement and then immediately start drawing from inspiration.

    These drawings inspired me permaently...

    ^In quick doodles, you got the best sense of timing in a comic strip I have ever seen^

    ^Those drawings are so dynamic that they made me envious of you!^

    ^Best wrinkles ever drawn. I know that wrinkles is a pretty little thing, but the way you drew them really inspired me^

    I just want to let you know your drawings inspire me and the more you post the better.

    Thanks Eddie!

  13. Anonymous12:01 PM

    could you do a post on structure? I think itd be really insightful

  14. Hey Eddie, you wouldn't happen to have a hi-res copy of "Tales of Worm Paranoia" on VHS or DVD that you would be willing to make copies of? I constantly watch the low-res one on YouTube and I really want to see it in hi resolution.

  15. These are the best doodles I've ever seen! Finally someone bothers to add form to their doodles.

  16. Anonymous3:22 PM

    i wouldnt say that he "tried" to add form as much as its impossible for the guy not to draw characters with form and structure.

    I used to take jazz guitar lessons with an amazing teacher and Id get mildly pissed off whenever he tried to play "badly" on purpose to get a point across and his attempts and butchering a piece still sounded better than anything I could play!

  17. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Cool! Thanks for posting these. I'd love to rifle through piles and piles of them.

  18. Man, i love those. So much life and energy in those simple drawings. I am envious :)

  19. Anonymous6:38 PM

    I need that guy on the bottom of the first page saying "Think about it" posted above my drawing table.

  20. Eddie is the Grand Hand Master!

  21. Hi Eddie

    "COOL DOODLES!!!!!"

    Your doodles have really good construction. No wonder John hired you to work at SPUMCO.


    How much of the storybords did you do for Ren & Stimpy?


  22. YES! Eddie, these are great!

    I think that learning to act with drawings is an art to itself. Your poses are super clear and really emotive. I'd love to hear some more Delsart or whoever that old Greek guy was. Isn't that funny, everything goes back to Greek culture...

    I'm curious what show this is for too! They look great!

  23. Anonymous9:57 AM

    These are typical.
    Typically great!
    It's always been a source of frustration for me that so little of this has been properly translated in the finished product. A result of the trouble with overseas production, mainly--but in a few of your boarded shows these poses do shine through, so much so that it's quite a jolt of ice water down the back. I felt it when I saw "Tattertown", which up til then I hadn't known you'd worked on; what an epiphany of "Oh, my God! There are Eddie's poses, no doubt!" that was.
    It was pretty neat. I don't know(can't remember)how you felt about that one but I liked it quite a bit.

  24. Jenny: Tattertown!? That was an interesting project! Ralph's a really great cartoonist and the project fit him like a glove. Unfortunately he could only devote part of his time to it.

    I came up with the evil doll and her pet fly and did some writing and layouts. John and Lynne did some great stuff and so did Jeff Pigeon, Louise and others, but at the end it was still the world that Ralph carried around in his head for years. It was on this project that I realized what a terrific artist Ralph is.

    BTW, I saw Ralph animate a scene for the film and it was brilliant! Unfortunately he overworked it and after a point the scene didn't work so well. That's OK, everybody overdoes things sometimes. If he had animated more we would have seen some of the most original animation ever on the modern screen. He just didn't have the time!

  25. Eddie! Don't feel silly. As rough as these are, the gestures & expressions are great.

    I love how dantily that guy is eating the chicken leg. His hand & finger poses are super good!

    Thanks for posting these; I really appreciate it since I had been hounding you to post some. I'm sure everyone else appreciates it too!
