Sunday, September 23, 2007


Sorry! I can't keep my eyes open!


  1. You might try...taking a few moments out of the day to conjure up a post instead of (seemingly always) late at night.
    Or how about about having a guest in your theory chair? The younguns are nite owls! : )

  2. Jenny: I like doing the blogs just before going to bed. I guess I sleep better knowing that I've accomplished something.

    I'll bring back the guest Theory Chair just as soon as I can.

  3. Yes, well--but you're just so infuriating!

    I can't count the times you've wriggled out of a blogging spot by claiming, "that's an interesting point, what a shame it's dead wrong and I'll prove it to you, but right now I'm sooo sleepy!"

    And now this excuse for a post!

    Aw, raspberries!

    You'd better straighten up & fly right, EWF, or Kali's fearsome anime-turtle-fork-tongued toy is going to invade your Vale of Morpheus and give you some screaming nightmares!

    PS: my tongue is most definitely forked. And in my cheek. ; )

    PPS: Wasn't the weekend weather glorious? Such clouds!

  4. PPPS: re: aforementioned glorious weekend weather: Here's the view from my house yesterday, taken with my iphone. I wish it'd stay like this. I've been feeling a primal pull towards the cellar and all the Halloween goodies. You too, I guess.

  5. Random thought Eddie: Make a post while you're drunk !

  6. Jenny: I feel horrible for not giving adequate answers to some posts. Sometimes I'm too sleepy but sometimes the comment is just so thought provoking that I just can't make an easy answer. In spite of the fact that I sometimes don't answer, these are often my favorite comments.

    Nice pictures of the clouds! A bit hard to caricature though. Somebody said the clouds after a storm are usually the best.

  7. *shrieks of delighted laughter from under my desk where I have fallen from my seat*

    ggggaaaaah you have such a flexible face!!!!!

  8. Jenny: I thought I answered earlier but I don't see it here. Did I forget to push SUBMIT? Maybe I posted it on the wrong page. Anyway, your cloud photo was great, especially when viewed through the palms that we're lucky enough to have in LA.

    Sorry about promised answers to comments that never materialized. Sometimes the comment is so thought-provoking that I can't make a quick answer. Those tend to be my favorite comments, even when I don't answer.

    Kelly: Aw, shucks! Kali did a great job on the pictures. She's fun to work with!
