Saturday, October 13, 2007


It's probably bad form to steal pictures from some one's blog while the pictures are still current. I just couldn't help myself! These are so good that they demand to be seen. Run, don't walk, to Marlo's site and take a look!

The problem with buck teeth, well pesented. I have buck teeth and I'm always tasting food from meals I had two days before.

Here's the look that caricaturists get when they're intent on nailing you. This photo of Marlo is the only picture I've ever seen that captures that.

It's fun to see highly dramatic color caricatured and applied to cartoons.

Marlo's done lots of parties. You can only envy the lucky kids.

Boy, you can't accuse her of getting in a rut. How are these (above) for a change of pace?

The recipient of this (above) is crazy if he doesn't have it professionally mounted and hung over the mantlepiece.

I don't know this woman (above) but I'm willing to believe that Marlo captured her very soul!

A terrific picture of Kali! Man, I'd love to see the rest of the pictures in this sketchbook!


  1. aww, i wish we had friends as cool as you and marlo, uncle eddie! all we have here in sarasota is the stupid ringling school and all they know how to do is pixar crap!

  2. I would love to be artistically tutored by artists like Marlo Meekins. What does she color with, and how does she determine color? Where and how does she learn this stuff?

    I guess some are just born with it, and some are not.

  3. I absolutely love her art. It has so much energy to it. Lovelovelove it!

  4. Ah, but Emmett--no one's "just born with it"-that's really a myth.

    It takes truckloads of trial and error and backbreaking brow-drenching work to get that good.
    I don't know what Marlo's past has been, but I do know she draws like a maniac-and by that I mean all the stinkin' time. That's in addition to everything else she does, which judging from the occasional posts includes loads of other creative hijinks.

    Again, I don't know but I will guess her color choices are the result of a little bit of things taking her fancy back in the day(I picture a wide-eyed 11 year old Marlo, big Playboy cartoon books propped open in front of her cereal bowl at breakfast), applying that--and a LOT of her own experimentation. She's obviously at a point by now where she just...sees things and they suggest color to her. It's really fascinating to look at.
    I'd love to see her drawing--too bad there's no videos of that--or are there?

  5. a TRUE Caricaturist!!

  6. I wish I had friends like Marlo, only in that I wish I had friends that are artistic geniuses.

    Or a circle of them, as you bastards seem to have in LA.

  7. Wow, she really pushes every edge of the envelope, doesn't she? What an a brilliant imagination!

  8. I had to delete a couple of critical comments. I didn't nix them because of the negative opinions but because they were worded in a way that sounded creepy.

  9. Marlo has amazing color sense, amazing line sense, amazing shape sense, amazing sense. Sometimes I can still see the Hirshfield underpinnings, but she has gone places he never dreamed of. If only we could all take our influences and go them one better. Clearly a modern master.

  10. Wow, artwork of ME featured on new posts of both Kali AND Eddie's websites.. in a matter of days!

    And no worries Eddie- I have that Marlo drawing of me framed!

    "The problem with buck teeth, well pesented. I have buck teeth and I'm always tasting food from meals I had two days before."

    i just LOL'd pretty hard.

  11. Jenny-
    next time I'm with Marlo, I will ask permission sometime to be the first person ever to film her drawing.


  12. Those are some mighty creative and wonderful pictures!


  13. "Jenny-
    next time I'm with Marlo, I will ask permission sometime to be the first person ever to film her drawing."

    Thanks, Nico!--on behalf of myself & about a million other people.

  14. All these cartoon girls kick ass! Little Miss Meekins kicks ass so hard, all that's left is essence.

  15. Oh, shit!
    Eddie, can I say "ass" on this site?

  16. wow eddie!!!!! I'm so sorry i didnt see this earlier, i havent been on internets. gee thanks for the post! very nice of you.. and thanks to everyone for the nice comments...... (blush)

  17. Marlo: Glad you liked it! Hey, are you back on the East Coast again? What a loss for LA!

  18. Anonymous11:05 PM

    UMg3gu Hello! Great blog you have! My greetings!
