Sunday, October 14, 2007


Here it is, fresh from the washing machine! Sorry I don't have time to put up a more elaborate post. I'm so busy that I shouldn't even be taking time to do this. I'll be back with something more thought-out on Wednesday.
You have to admit, is a nifty shirt.


  1. Ha ha, "Rex and Champy"!

    Also: too busy to iron, too, huh? Shame on you, Edward, shame!

  2. Haha! Nice tan! And the character names being wrong is awesome; like John is bootlegging his own material.

  3. Ha! I just noticed that George has a farmer's tan on his legs!

  4. Anonymous8:35 AM

    That's a fucking awesome shirt.

  5. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Awesome. Where can I get one?

  6. This is amazing, where can I get one???!!!

  7. That is a pretty cool shirt indeed.

  8. Andrew, Charlie: I don't think you can buy this shirt now but if there's interest maybe John'll make some more.

  9. was this tshirt ever sold..?

  10. Whoa! Stimpy's got a red nose!

  11. i used to have this shirt when i was a teenager, about 15 or so years ago now.

    i got it from one of those comics catalogs (diamond distributors i think...

    i hadn't even seen 'ren and stimpy' when i got it (i grew up in a small country town in western australia) but had heard of them and i just loved everything about this shirt, from the awesome drawings to the cool 'fake bootleg' feel it had.

    anyway i used to get a lot of comments whenever i wore it (though my parents weren't too fond of it) but eventually i wore it out until there were more holes than t-shirt left.

    if it was released again i would definitely buy one to relive my spotty, awkward days...

    how did you keep yours in such pristine condition eddie?

  12. what a cool ren & stimpy shirt!!!

    wanna see my yogi bear toy!!??

    come to my blog and see some of my crap!!

  13. t-shirt envy.


    "Sorry I don't have time to put up a more elaborate post."

    take it easy, eddie! no worries. we don't want to see ricardo montalban waving us goodbye on your behalf again, and so soon!!


    there's always theory chair too.

    also: about that future architecture post.. have you seen that recent documentary about future architecture design concepts being put to use? it showed all different styles of housing being made. future concepts. other than that of cold sleek steel stuff.

    great stuff: back to nature stuff, round houses interacting with surrounding nature. imagine kubrick's 2001 but with the warmth of a hobbit hole.

    and people actually lived in these houses. great.

    i don't know what the documentary was called, though...

  14. Eddie, any post you put up is worth reading, elaborate or not! Or just looking at. I am completely comfortable admitting that is a nifty shirt.

  15. I want one!

    I had one Ren and Stimpy shirt that was too big for me when I was a kid. And goddamn it! I was staying at my mom's friends house and her kids were evil and stole my shirt! When I visited them years later they had been using it to clean the dog!! Grrrrr.....

    End of Rant.

  16. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Hi Eddie, it's me, Bruce!

    I have a question:

    When you were working in the Animation industry, especially around the 1980's, was it frustrating that any of the animators, including you, didn't have any creative input on the final product? (For example, if you wanted to design an attractive babe for one of the main characters, it was disapproved by the dykes (read: animation executives), because it would be offensive to degrade the general populace of women to bubbly, yet attractive, air heads).

    Also, what was your favorite episode of Ren and Stimpy you worked on?

    Thanks for your time,

    From an inspiring cartoonist/ artist


  17. Eddie, I'll give you all my wordly possesions and my grandma for that shirt. Actually, I love the old gal. Take my dead beat dad instead.

  18. Anonymous6:04 PM

    hey eddie

    i know this is irrelevent, but is it true you were the basis of pinky from pinky and the brain?
