Monday, November 15, 2010


I thought I'd put up some serial pictures (above), just to see how it's done. Well, now I know. I eyeballed the position of all the pictures,  and laboriously moved each one into place. Is there something I could have done to make it go faster?


  1. I like the custom Theory Corner logo at the top. Only thing I would change on that is to get rid of the watermarks on each panel with the acorbats.

  2. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Now that's a lovely version of the Theory Corner logo. I like how you payed close attention to the silhouettes and negative spaces. Have a great week, by the way. I'll be waiting patiently until then for another one of your brilliant theories.

  3. Some of those women under the new logo,(which I really like), look like a page from a Kristen Mccabe sketch book!

  4. Steven, Roberto: Thanks! I didn't get rid of the watermark because I thought the owner deserved some publicity for making his pictures available. Besides, it was only an exercize. I like the logo I'm using now.

    Joel: She'd be flattered by that!

  5. Funny

    just an idea...
    I've seen a graphic which you can post photos, as in a book, and you just click on the photos to turn the "pages'.
    Might work for this as a family scrapbook, or for your other hardboiled tales.

  6. Thomas: Where did you see that? Do you have a link?

  7. Sorry, can't remember what it was. The site that used the graphics app was nothing really that high tech though. I get the feeling that the application is not too difficult to find
