Friday, July 04, 2008


As I write this I still haven't seen these videos together. I have no idea if this is going to work. Maybe I'm about to publish the worst blog post ever. I have a feeling the music (a gift from Mike F) might not fit. Oh well, If my part sucks you can still enjoy Laura Hilliar's legs.

Oh, yes! Start the two videos at the same time, starting with the top one. The idea is to see both videos playing at the same time. Make sure both are in frame at the same time before you begin. If they seem out of sync try starting them at different times.

Sometimes double clicking the images will take you to YouTube, which is a mistake (to get the effect the videos have to play at the same time on Blogger). If you end up on YouTube, just go back to Blogger and start over again. Keep fooling with'll get it.


Steven Finch, Attorney At Law said...

Ha ha! This is your best "nested" video thing yet! The sync was perfect, but even the (very) occasional out-of-syncness only served to make it funnier, frankly!

Andy said...

I got it to work for me on my second try. Very funny haha!

But what's even funnier/weirded is a comment left on hilliar's video...

"i love your pretty smooth legs wish i can see you wearing tap shoes though mmm"

Eddie is this you! :O Tap dancing fetish!!!

Eddie Fitzgerald said...

Steven: Thanks!

Andy: I didn't write that! Man, There's some horny guys out there!

Gabe Fullilove said...

Thanks Eddie, that wraps up a great fourth of July.

I hope I didnt wake up the neighbors, I was laughing so hard.


lastangelman said...

Eddie, you're one the good ones. A funny end to a Fabulous Fourth. BTW, I forwarded your thanks to our forefathers , et alia, to a lot of friends and some Austin and Washington friends I have, so that video may go viral.

Trevor Thompson said...

Good work! It worked on the second try for me too.

- trevor.

Bitter Animator said...

Holy crap, Mr.F, you made me spit my coffee all down myself. This is bloody hilarious. Absolutely fantastic stuff.

How long did it take you to plan this? Is this all you do all day? Time well spent I say.

Michael Sporn said...

This one's about as wacky as it gets, but it sorta works. Very funny.

Trevor Thompson said...

You seriously need to call Nico and make the Uncle Eddie Theory Show a reality. And not a reality show, either.

The fans are starving. Aren't we, fans?

- trevor.

Anonymous said...

Red Rose Tea!!! Is that the YouTube one with the chimps in the band??


mike fontanelli said...

Hey Eddie, don't monkey with the classics!

Mijfly said...

Ahaha! That was wonderful! It worked even better than I thought it would! Great stuff!

Taber said...

Wow OK I was lucky enough to get it working on the first try and had no idea what to expect. Wow that was funny! Thanks Eddie!

Suj Correa said...

HAHA..nice video eddie....I enjoy your blog like crazy.....especially the muppets video....i have added your blog on my blog list.....i recently started if you are ever upto nothing....check it out and leave a comment...

chumly said...

Thanks for the smiles.

Vincent Waller said...

Ha ! Wonderful!

Kali Fontecchio said...

Nice legs....Eddie......hahaha.

Katie K said...

that was cool!

Eddie Fitzgerald said...

Last (and other commenters) : Thanks!

Trevor: I was thinking of doing a ten minute show every other week, but I'm not sure the internet is the best way to do that. Most people don't want to watch anything that's more than three minutes on a computer screen. Maybe it has to do with uncomfortable chairs, maybe the screen is uncomfortably close to the eyes.

Marc Deckter said...

haha! great!

Bitter Animator said...

And that is why you need your own television show, Mr.F. The Uncle Eddie Variety Hour.

cwyatt said...

This is even better late at night!
I think Dancin' with the Stars is in your future.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Keep experimenting, Uncle Eddie. You're making great strides in harnessing this new medium of television.

Eddie Fitzgerald said...

Anonymous: Holy Mackeral! Great links to Goodman Beaver and Steve Ditko! I'll have to wait til later in the day to read them, but I can't wait! Many Thanks!

Ed Golick said...

Creative and funny! The audio is from a Red Rose Tea commercial, taken from my website. You can check out the original commercial here.

Trevor Thompson said...


Bah! I watch videos that are ten minutes all the time! In fact, sometimes I get mad when I can't find things longer than that! I hate catering to the A.D.D. crowd!

I am also pretty sure that everyone here would eat up a ten minute Eddie F. show like it was half a cupcake.... they'd only want more.


Besides, if you're worried about the length, do what a lot of these shows do on YouTube: do it in two minute segments. Five two minute segments per episode is not bad.

I'm sorry. I just think you'd be the best show on the internet, and I'm feeling a bit anxious to see what you and Nico could pull off.

Plus, I betcha a thousand bucks that after a few shows you could get sponsors. I'm tellin' ya.

- trevor.

Anonymous said...

That was really funny Eddie! How do you come up with this stuff? Ha ha!

Anonymous said...

you into mort meskin?

heres a Ditko quote about him "Meskin was fabulous, I couldn't believe the easy with which he drew: strong compositions, loose pencils, yet complete; detail without clutter. I loved his stuff"

Anonymous said...

I love the way that archie parody carries the idea to a point beyond insanity, no smug ironic detatchment for the old guard,

Whats happened to humor comics eddie?
Mad is a ghost of its former self and there doesnt seem to be anything in the indy scene, I think comedy is in something of a golden age (in England anyhow) but comics are 50 years behind the times (200 in england)
This is the best show on television right now

bigvike1374 said...

Nice very nice. If nobody has yet, I put a link to it on

Da Joker said...

Ha ha! Your crazy man lol. I watched it without it being synced perfectly but it was great. Hehehe.

Overthinking Mama said...

This is great! Hilarious! I needed this!

S. Eutin said...

OMG! That was toooo funny! Fantastic!

Tim Rauch said...

f'ing brilliant! thanks eddie.

Luis María Benítez said...

Eddie I know of you from some time now, but I found this video now and laughed so much... You're an inspirational source for us who want to draw. Your faces, the way you show this kind of stuff. Oh I wish there were people like you on TV everywhere. REALLY! Best!